Take your standard Dwarf cannon kit, and build it as per the Organ Gun instructions. Instead of placing an Organ Gun on top, just add a Chaos Space Marine Havoc launcher with the bottom detail cut off. I obscured the mounting holes with Chaos gun nozzles and added a bit of spikey detail, but for just a little more than the cost of a normal Cannon you can build a decent looking, MLRS-style Death Rocket.
intersesting and simple enough. Great little conversion for the cross realm players with bitz from all sides.
Kera foehunter:
that great !!that is another great conversion of the death rocket
That is very cool, I like it a lot!
Hashut’s Blessing:
Impressive and surprising that nobody has thought to use a rocket launcher as the death rocket launcher, lol ^^
Tarrakk Blackhand:
Looks great! Simple, yet effective. Something the little CD’s would use time and time again!
so simple so great…i have that rocket launcher lying around in my bitzbox…i hold it in my hand when i built my death rocket and put it back “hmm,thats nothing i could use…”
Thats great! I need another a cool chaos dwarf warmachine! :S
Kera foehunter:
great avatar w3rn
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This message was automatically appended because it was too short.
Da Crusha:
oh wow I actually bought those bits a few months ago to do the exact same conversion minus the heads and spikes. I unfortunately haven’t gotten around to building it. looks pretty good.:cheers
Border Reiver:
Well done conversion - simple, and effective. The way conversions should be.
Pyro Stick:
Thats a great idea for a simple, quick death rocket. The only problem i have with it is that i dont see death rockets as multiple rocket war machines. Apart from that is a great alternative for the death rocket.
Nice to see a simple conversion. The kind of thing that even an inexperienced modeller could have a crack at. Good stuff.
Thats a great idea for a simple, quick death rocket. The only problem i have with it is that i dont see death rockets as multiple rocket war machines. Apart from that is a great alternative for the death rocket.
Pyro Stick
Honestly, I don't see it as an MRLS rules-wise, either... but I figured my poor CSM Rhino would never see the table again, so I've been salvaging some of the accessories... I also needed an excuse to buy a Dwarf Cannon.
Great conversion work Astranagant, always good to see different ways of making death rockets
Good Idea!
Simple is often best.