[Archive] Epic Fail


Some these are just too funny:


Parrot at the end vs cat= pwned



Lol some of those are really good.

My personal favourite was the singles add in the cemetary. Pretty low.

Hashut’s Blessing:

I saw the first video on tele. the second one, the best bit is Failturtle :smiley:


LMFAO… oh THANK YOU for that Willmark… I basically couldn’t stop laughing the entire time. hahahaha

too many good ones to note. but I laughed loudest when the guy with the weight toss thinger (yah, I dunno, hammer?) chucked it and it hit the videographer! lmao

Hashut’s Blessing:

It was a hammer. Another brilliant moment was the dude on the treadmill. Well, he WAS on the treadmill…


Damn I hate it when this happens!
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IQ falling:
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Hashut’s Blessing:

Ditto. No matter how much smashing you do, it doesn;t dislidge, then someone buys something else and gets it no matter what you did.


OMFG! FAIL! But sorta a win for us guys (note intended for mature audiences, which pretty much leaves out most of us on this site!)

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Not sure what to say about this but man its funny!

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Hashut’s Blessing:

Funniest failure to dress, EVER!


I mean seriously just how dumb is/was she??? toooo funny.


maybe it was a rush job getting re-dressed? c_c

that dog(?) though… are we sure it’s not a gerbil? can someone check that, thx.


Something isn’t quite right here…

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Hashut’s Blessing:

Dressed up to go to Wal-Mart? The equivalent of Tesco. WTF??? People wonder why i have no faith for humanity any more…


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silence yah… it’s universal.

zorn sabretooth:

watchoo talking bout hb everybody knows walmart and asda are the same company

Hashut’s Blessing:

Actually, zorn, you’re wrong. They are both ONWED by the same compnay, but they are not the same company. See the difference? (As in, am I making sense?) Also, I was more referring to the equivalent size and avaialability of the shop, than the ownership.

As to the video: Good Lord, why have I seen these all?


Kera did it snow in your neck of the woods last night?
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I think I’ll walk up the mountain:
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Grammar police ownage:
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Hashut’s Blessing:

I think two words sum this up: Lol and z0ers!