[Archive] Ere we go! Ere we go!

Ami Fluff:

Sorry sorry if this isn’t the right place for this.

Anywho, I just got back from my local hobby store, armed with some dwarf warriors, some chaos marauders, a brand new sculpting tool, and some green stuff.

I’m getting ready to assemble my very first chaos dwarf. Wish me luck. <3

[align=center]2017 Image Salvage


Viskar Zhragoth:

Good Luck! Take your time on the sculpting, and remember to use water to make sure the tool doesn’


we also use a lip balm of some sort on the tools (and our fingers) to prevent the sticking. :slight_smile:


Saliva works well, but try not to eat the greenstuff.

Ami Fluff:

Okays. I’m taking a break while I’m waiting for the green stuff to dry. Here’s my first few pictures.


excellent first try…how good are you at sculpting GS because trust, even your bad now making CD will dramatically improve your skills…

:hat off

Ami Fluff:

What’s a GS?

This is pretty much the first guy I’ve tried to scuplt in, well, years.


What's a GS?

This is pretty much the first guy I've tried to scuplt in, well, years.

Ami Fluff
GS = green stuff

somebody bites their fingernails!

Good work! Keep it up, and then get to painting hehe.

Ami Fluff:

Hee, you caught me. I bite the stuffing out of my nails. I’ve been doing it since I was like 10, and have been trying to kick the habbit, but to not avail.

Hmm… after looking at my model, I think I wanna do the whiskers in a different way.


I like the lighting, those are some molten-looking fingers you have there in the first pic, as if the warrior were being sculpted by Hashut himself!


Great start, but this looks like an army blog, so I’m moving it to that section.

Ami Fluff:

Okay. Warrior one is done. :slight_smile:

Also, sorry 'bout putting this thread in the wrong spot.

Knight Of Awsome:

My first reaction was, wooh. I love the combination of the bits that you used… could you tell me what bits you used?:cheers

Ami Fluff:

Fairly straightforward. The legs and torso are dwarf warrior bits. The scale armor is green stuff. Used the method of a very handy video set I found here. ^^ <3 The arms, shield and shoulder pad are plastic marauder bits. The mask is one of the marauder shoulder pads. The beard is greenstuff as well. ^^

Knight Of Awsome:

Fairly straightforward. The legs and torso are dwarf warrior bits. The scale armor is green stuff. Used the method of a very handy video set I found here. ^_^ <3 The arms, shield and shoulder pad are plastic marauder bits. The mask is one of the marauder shoulder pads. The beard is greenstuff as well. ^_^

Ami Fluff
Ah thanks, accept my two slaves. but i just added up the totals for all the parts and found the total of it all came to more than $4.00 CAN for one dwarf... thats going to put a whole in my pocket... but im going to try and find a cheaper way... that looks cooler than my 2.81 CAN dwarfs...

Ami Fluff:

Thank you kindly. <3

Okays, something a little bit more complicated: BEHOLD! Ami’s first chaos dwarf lord. <3


Looks great!! Superb stuff! One little thing, can you get another picture of the lord from the front view. The shadow/lighting makes it very difficult to depict the, what look to be, extraordinary detail. Thanks! Keep up the good work!

nerd :stuck_out_tongue:


the hat looks kinda weird, its probably the drum on the sides of the hat.

Hashut’s Blessing:

Wow… Excellent GS (GreenStuff) skills… Almost made me cry as I seem to be incompetent at using it to sculpt…

Also, that is one damned big hat :stuck_out_tongue: I like the longer weapon handle with that hammerhead and the use of the half-cape particularly… Keep up the good work, start painting (it’ll help ya stop biting :wink: ) and get the pics up ASAP!

Ami Fluff:

Well, I’m not sure I like the hat, I"m considering trying again on that. For one thing, the symbol on the middle of it was suppose to be a flame, but it came out looking awfully… …phallic? :XD