[Archive] favourite charater and who would win

Godbob and his jolly rogers:

as many of you will know WD asked there empolyer there favourite charters and the white drawf won (ironik is’nt it) so i was wondering what the players thought was the best charter


High King Thorgrim…

Pretty cool model, evan better story… thats one angry dwarf and as far as game play goes… he is one hard bloke!

Gotrek is also VERY cool, I cant get enough of his books and the fluff you see in spots and he was also a force to be reckoned with back in 4th ed, I wish they put him in 7th ed.

I like the model where he is carrying the trolls head!

Thane Godri GoblinSlayer:

Grimgor IronHide he has cool fluff and he is pretty tough. Thorgrim could probably beat him though, SEVEN WOUNDS!


Anareion, the first and greatest Phoenix King. (Yes I play High Elves too) :stuck_out_tongue:

Hashut’s Blessing:

Possibly Nagash. So… much… power! Although I like Egrimm Van Horstmann too… Not sure I have ONE favourite to be honest…

Godbob and his jolly rogers:

Possibly Nagash. So... much... power! Although I like Egrimm Van Horstmann too... Not sure I have ONE favourite to be honest...

Hashut's Blessing
come on HB no one can stop loving nagash (he brought half the world to there knees thats worth something)come on join me on the dark side :D


AHHHH I forgot about NAGASH! How awesome is he!! I should be whipped for forgetting about him, Such a powerful chacter on the board and in the stories… now there is some fluff that you just cant get enough of.

I wish they wrote books about him!

Also reminds me I must get my Nagash painted up… seen any good paint jobs done on him?


Tzar Boris. Greatest mini ever.

Astragoth !!!

Hashut’s Blessing:

whips Deebo Join the Dark side, I cannot. Pervailer of the Light, I am.

Feck it, Evil FTW!


my favourite character, fluff wise and rules wise, was crom the conquorer.

but i think my favourite actual model is the 1st valten on foot.

Godbob and his jolly rogers:

I wish they wrote books about him!

well they are look for your self just click comeing soon in the top left corner

Hrothgar Goldgreed:

Hmm, now you mention him, Nagash is pretty cool as well, but I’ve got to go for Bugman. Come on, a Dwarf Masterbrewer. Nothing can beat that, he even has his own real-life pub, figures, etc.!

Thorgrim’s ok, and so is Gotrek. Pretty nice/good fluff & models (one’s fluff is better, one’s model, obviously which one), but both not coming close to Bugman and his … one, two, three, four, five versions.


I wish they wrote books about him!

well they are look for your self just click comeing soon in the top left corner

Godbob and his jolly rogers
Godbob, you are a bloody champion!
I had no idea this was coming out, but I am sooooo glad that it is coming out and soon :o woooohooooo

HG- whats the 5th version? my memory is probably failing me again but I can only remember the 2 versions from the brewery One on barrels and the other clobering the bloke who spilt his beer,
then there is the one with gotrek and the white dwarf and the old one that was used in 4th ed that is still used now.


I like Thrott the Unclean.

Demented Skaven genetic engineers ftw, baby :cheers


Deathmaster Snikch has what I reckon to be some of the most inspiring imagery, though he’s not quite my favourite. Though I don’t have a favourite per se, Be’lakor is pretty high up there, due to all the fluff about his insanity, his plans in Mordheim and how they failed, and how he finally managed to cast of the shackles upon his mind to go on a rampage.

Kera foehunter:

long drong the pirate slayer. best ever!!!

Godbob and his jolly rogers:

i don’t have a favourite but malekith,be’lakor,nagash,archon,balthasar gelt,settra,malus and lord kroak are my favourite although there is alot there most are just for the modals
P.S i would of put godbob in there but i haven’t made him let so he doesn’t count

zorn sabretooth:

mengil manhide sure he’s not as good as other characters but he is one mean s.o.b or skrag the slaugher s&m ogre ampumptee yeah!!!


Borgio the Besieger, took a hit from a cannon then crafts the ball into mace, class.


well in warhammer fantasy id say archaeon, mourgor, belakor, i cant decide