For those who buy/ used to buy WD, was there ever a period of consecutive WDs you thought every issue was great?
I have 2 periods I thought were good. The first was the time when they released all the 6th ed Chaos. Each WD was themed around a chaos god (though they skipped Slaanesh). I never really paid much attention to chaos at that point so it was fun seeing how characterful they did them.
The second was the build up to the Storm of Chaos. I really loved the way they built up the story over quite a long time (shame about the ending). The descriptions and modelling of all the SoC entries was cool as well.
I have a white dwarf that has slaanesh themed chaos armies in it. Ill tell you the issue when i get a chance to look through all my old white dwarfs. Then ill be able to tell you my favourite period of the magazine cause it was most of the issus after that up until the 300th issue or maybe just before or after it.
I don’t read White Dwarf regularly but imo the best periods are always those with themed campaigns. Storm of Chaos for WFB and Medusa V for Wh40k was my favourites.
From about 140-240. Almost every issue was jam packed and had tons of great stuff in it, of course there were some clunkers, After that it was more hit and miss for me.
I’m with WM! I used to look forward to it hitting my doormat eveyry month, but I stopped my subscription a couple of issues ago when they absolutely took the p*** with adverts. The only thing worth reading was the events page.
I loved the first (and best) Tale of four Gamers, I bought every issue only for that untill it ended with a very cool 4army battle. I thought Paul Sawyer did a good job there, was gutted when he left!
yeah the tale of four gamers era i think is probably the best. paul sawyer and andy chambers, plus it was jam packed full of articles, which i think is what jervis’s standard bearer is trying to bring back. battle reports used to be better as well. To be honest i think it started going downhill when LOTR was introduced. seeing as they cant print LOTR fluff, and models have to be painted accurately etc, i started to become more like a military modellers magazine rather than sci fi and fantasy.
Since they started ogres they have packed WD with catalogs. Now would be a good time to take advantage of the 7th edition, althougth il will not be satisfied until they bring us back.
I dont know if this topic has already been discused elsewhere, but I feel that decadence started when they turn the all ogre theme into a joke.
yeah the tale of four gamers era i think is probably the best.
I remember thinking how would be brilliant to have £30 a month to spend on Warhammer, being 12-13(something like that!) at the time it seemed like sooo much money to have just for that!! it says something for how much GW sucks nowdays that you can't even buy 2 regiments (£18 each) for that!
I do enjoy the build up, stories and new miniatures the accompany things like Strom of Chaos and Lustria campaigns, but with them only happening once a year and having to put up with some pretty bad 40k stuff it's just too rare.
yeah the tale of four gamers era i think is probably the best.
Now that was one of the things i liked. Mainly because one of the armies was Tomb Kings and i was hoping it could give me some good ideas. I really should look through some of my old WD's to remind myself why i got into the hobby.
my favorit period was around number 250 to 290. THat was good numbers with both lot of fantasy and 40k. Of course earlier issues also where good but I like ths diffrent system from warhammer 5:ed and 3:ed 40k and thats when it started for them.
I really liked the (short) era of card sections in each WD. I think it was 180ish to 200ish. That was when, as a kid, I was really into all of the fluff and supplements and so on. Also they had a lot of cool Necromunda stuff. Also the reaally old battle reports that set the fluff for future generations, like the one between Tycho's Blood Angels and Ghazgkull's orks, when "Tycho" was just a name they picked for the commander that the Wierdboy killed with Mind War! (Anyone else remember all the cards and datafaxes in the Dark Millenium supplement for 40k?). And now the special character's fluff reflects that old battle report.
Similarly, the BIG mega battles they did, with Jervis and Andy Chambers and the Perry twins (Robin Dews? Ian Pickstock? Nigel Stillman? Adrian Wood?) like the Gathering of Might (fantasy) and the big tank battle that I can't remember in 40k, when they got all of the models in the studio (not very many at the time) and had a go with them. Good times, somewhere between 150 and 180 I think.
Similarly, the BIG mega battles they did, with Jervis and Andy Chambers and the Perry twins (Robin Dews? Ian Pickstock? Nigel Stillman? Adrian Wood?) like the Gathering of Might (fantasy)
I remember that, some of those pics are just insane!! I will have to try and dig some of those up, didn't they have like 4 armies onto 4 or something like that?
anyone remember the 40,000 empire vs orc and goblin game they did at the perry’s house? how long ago was that? its that kind of personal touch article they are missing nowadays.
I’ll also say that around 250 - 290 were the best! Fat Bloke did a great job - and as an original 40K player/collector - I loved those Andy Chambers years (hat to se him go) and his “Chapter Approved” series.
I started collecting around the 190 era, and they were easily the best. THere are some absolute gems scattered through the whole range though. I love WD 117, but equally there are a few later ones.
I still buy every issue, but only cos i’m a bit crazy and need closure.
Slannesh wasn’t skipped. Skyar or summat, I think. My favourite period was indeed Fat Bloke. The last time (other than the Gnoblar army list) when WD had good reading material in it.