[Archive] Film-maker's Films

Hashut’s Blessing:

So, it seems we have a few more budding film-makers than I first realised on here and I figured I’ll collate people’s work into a single thread. Many of you already know of my own exploits (predominantly as an actor and you’ll largely know me from Ramblers) and plenty of you have seen the promotional/educational videos from Monster Hobbies - recently, we’ve found a gem in ryanamandaanna’s piece.

Anyway, without further ado, I’ll update this opening post with links to people’s pages/works and people can post their videos as replies as well (note: keep Warhammer tutorials to their respective sections, this isn’t collating all of our tutorials :wink: ).

My freshly updated website. You can get to my Vimeo channel, my casting profiles and my Facebook Fan Page through this, so please feel free to browse around (current project: Shooting on the Rim).

If people PM me their links (Vimeo channels, Youtube channels and websites etc (for entertainment videos, rather than blogs or Jenna Marbles type stuff etc), I’ll add them in here ASAP.


Troy McClure, is that you?


Thanks for the plug! :smiley: I checked the “Shooting on the Rim” link above and it doesn’t seem to work for me…

Hashut’s Blessing:

GRNDL: You may have seen me in other web-viewable productions as NEIL and Martin’s Quest for Love.

ryanamandaanna: It should work now :wink:

Hashut’s Blessing:

9 months later and I’ll have some updates coming up after they’ve been released at their respective screenings!