[Archive] Filmdeg's army progress!


Nice work on the character. The gradation on the flames came out very well!


Figured it was time for a big update!

So last month I had my first ever game (6th edition), and it was great! I only have about 1000pts, so I was allied with 1000pts of beastmen, against 2000pts of Empire, and we had wicked amounts of fun. There were some really funny moments in the game, like an Empire wizard fleeing on the very 1st turn, and a chaos spawn being decimated by a great cannon. It was really interesting to finally play the game, and for the most part my Chaos Dwarfs held up really well. I showed alot of inexperience in that my centaurs did nothing until turn 6, and my hero did absolutely nothing at all except occupy space, and whilst the game ended in a draw, I feel we could’ve won had I maneuvered and utilized them a little better.

I had a really great time, and can’t wait for my next game.

And then last night I finally got around to doing an army photo shoot! This is everything I have painted so far.

So like I said, thats everything I have painted so far, but the army is no where near completion! Ideally I pretty much want to double the warriors and blunderbuss squads, and add a whole bunch of hobgoblin units - I’ve got a squad of 10 Hobgob archers so they’re next on my paint list!

Uther the unhinged:

What a great little army. I love the classic colour scheme and snowy bases do help them pop. Good luck with more minis. As for completing an army…I hope you are a better man than me… I mean I have nearly completed one… I just need one more mini… just one… no really just one more… honest…


Great stuff, Filmdeg!

Really looking like an army, love the paint job you’ve kept all the models in.


Great army! Really brings back memories… :smiley: What are your future plans for them? Or do you simply add what you can find?

Hat of to that epic terrain of yours as well. :hat off


A beautiful army!

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What a great little army. I love the classic colour scheme and snowy bases do help them pop. Good luck with more minis. As for completing an army.....I hope you are a better man than me... I mean I have nearly completed one.... I just need one more mini.... just one.... no really just one more..... honest....

Uther the unhinged
Cheers! Yeah, I wasn't sure on the snow originally but I think it works well enough, I've never been good at basing so they are little basic.
Great stuff, Filmdeg!
Really looking like an army, love the paint job you've kept all the models in.

Thanks dude!
Great army! Really brings back memories... :D What are your future plans for them? Or do you simply add what you can find?
Hat of to that epic terrain of yours as well. :hat off

Cheers man! Honestly - just keep expanding. I mostly plan on playing 6th edition so kinda building up for that. I'd like to get atleast 40 Chaos Dwarf Warriors (currently have 20), 30 Blunderbuss (currently have 10), 40 hobgoblin warriors (currently have 5), 30 archers (currently have 9), 2 bolt throwers (currently 0) 10 wolfrider warriors (currently 0), 10 wolfrider bows (currently 0)... It'll take a long time but I'm in no rush, so just gotta be patient!

Aha I wish the terrain was mine! I'm lucky enough that I can visit Warhammer World easily, so we held our game there. Amidst all the 40k and AoS, a few heads did turn when they saw square bases!
A beautiful army!

Thanks man!


Nice herohammer force. Great colour scheme :slight_smile:


My army has a very similar color palette, so it is funny to see so many models that look very similar to mine and others that look like a weird inverse. I look forward to seeing more.


Nice herohammer force. Great colour scheme :)

Haha, for some reason I read "Necrohammer". And thought well that might be a phrase for 6th ed, or any edition pre AoS. Hehe. :cheers


A worthy force, … so now you need two more of everything.


Awesome looking army! :hat off



Beautiful army!

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Thanks all! I’ve started work on my hobgoblins :slight_smile: right now though I’m really just testing out scheme ideas. I want them to look similar enough to the chaos dwarfs, but also to be recognised as below them. Here is my first attempt (WIP).

Will Liam:

The colours look great and your choice really helps separate the larger details nicely the only thing I would suggest is put a small dot off light pink or maybe light yellow behind the red eye dots to help make them stand out a little more and I put a small line of red ink under the eye line to help make it all blend - well that�?Ts how I do it anyway - I�?Tm really loving the colours of your army keep the pics coming :slight_smile:


Nice prototype! I’m sure the striking color contrast will work really well for a whole unit of them and make even that backstabbing hobgoblin rabble - pardon my language - look like professional soldiers. Way to go!


What a beautiful classic army! There’s nothing quite like the look of Big Hats painted in a colourful way like this. That’s what I think of first when I hear “Chaos Dwarfs”. Also, the snowy bases complement the colour scheme very well. Thanks for sharing! :hat off

Uther the unhinged:

Love the hobgoblin. The colours link well, great.


Thanks all! Here’s the 2nd Archer I finished last week :slight_smile:

Work has been a bit full on lately (and will be for the foreseeable future!) so I’ve not been feeling up to it lately, but done an hour painting this evening which has felt really good! Really wanting to get these Hobgoblins finished for “The Shadows Over Albion” Warhammer Fantasy 6th Edition tournament in London in January!


A few more Hobgoblins finished!