[Archive] Firehammer's Blood Bowl Chaos Dwarf team



we have a local Blood Bowl league running with 14 members. It just started. I managed to get my boxed Chaos Dwarf team assembled and painted before the second match tomorrow.

It is painted in oriental colours and a babylonic style. I decided to give the Hobgoblins a darker brown skin instead of green … and no gold. The Hobgoblin in the middle also has less team colours, characterizing him as the journeyman. One CHaos Dwarf has a henna coloured beard.

In the works are staff miniatures: team owner, trainer, “cheer leaders” and apothecary. Also, two minotaurs are on their way.


They look ready to win

[align=center]2017 Image Salvage



I really like’em :hat off


Absolutely perfect. Great colour choices and I like the sounds of the direction you’re going in. Can’t want to see the minotaurs, team owner, etc too!!

Great work



Here is the second batch of miniatures:

From left to right:
- Trainer (with monocle, Earth Shaker cannon crew)
- Apothecary (Scibor)
- Star Player Zzharg Madeye
- Two Cheerleaders (actually musicians, as Chaos Dwarfs are a dour warrior folk)
- Budweiser … erm … pig (see cheerleader explanation, Scibor model)

Left and right: Reroll and Turn Counters by Chaos Factory
Minotaurs by Meiko Miniatures.
Also featured is the team owner in the middle (CD Hero with cut off axe blade).

BTW in the background you see the Fantasy Football Pro Box by Iron Golem: Pro Box - Iron Golems

The battle mat is by Deep Cut Studio.


Wow! Great progress! I love the swarthy flesh tones, but it seems like this new batch is missing a highlight layer that gave the original miniatures you showed a little more depth to their skin tones (although this might be down to photography).

Those tokens are great! How have I never seen them before? they would have limitless uses if you made a green stuff stamp out of those stylized heads!


The Turn and Reroll banners are separate and glued onto the shield.


Oh my! So there even more useful! :o I’ll will be buying at least a set as soon as I get paid tomorrow, thanks again for showing them off!

I don’t mean to pull too much attention away from your team though, have you had a chance to put them on the field yet?


It’s a beautiful chaos dwarf team you’ve made. I loved playing them myself and a a team running for a lot of seasons in our old league.

Are you happy with the Pro Box? I was considering pledgingback when the campaign was running.


Coolers, nice team! :slight_smile:


They turned out fine. Good colour choices, and good tip on the marker!