[Archive] First 1200 point list


Hey, first post here, so apologies in advance for any annoyance caused by any mistakes! This is a small list Ive settled on for my fist attempt at a CD army, based on the models i have available to me (in the BFSP box, much greenstuffing shall be done!) as well as an odd points cost, but what me and my friend have agreed to start with for quick games and trying to theme the army around the idea of a band of Daemonic engineers! ie: lots of blunderbusses, magic and warmachines! Any comments, critiscms greatly appreciated as i havent played warhammer in a little under a year so im a little rusty! Okay, here goes -

Hero - CD Sorcerer - level 2 (Fire Lore)    …95 pts

Hero - CD Sorcerer - level 2 (Shadow Lore) …95pts

Hero - CD Sorcerer - level 2 (Metal Lore) …95pts

Core - 15 Blunderbus Full command …210pts

Core - 15 Blunderbus Full Command …210pts

Special - 12 Black Orcs, shields, Full Command …192pts

Special - HB Bolt thrower x2 …60pt

Special - Death Rocket …80pts

Rare - Earthshaker Cannon …110pts

Total - 1167

Okay, so the general deployment plan with the army is that the two units of blunderbus will be arranged 5 x 3 (I know this leaves the unit suceptable to being reduced to a firing strength of 4 quite easily, problem?) to the left and right of the black orcs, with the three sorcerers behind them (fire to cause problems for enemy footsloggers, any units low on armour, metal to hassel heros or heavily armoured units, and shadow for general funsies) with the war machines hopefully on a convenient hill just behind the above, general stratagy would be to use the cannon/rocket/bolthrowers/sorcerers to pelt the opponent, hopefully weakening them sufficiently for the black orcs and warriors to hadle them when they reach their lines, as i said its been a while since ive played so any criticism is greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:

Auretious Taak:

The list looks pretty solid, I’d suggest Sheilds for the Black Orcs as it will increase their survivability incredibly well, but points to them shall be an issue. Another option would be to cull a few BO’s and take 2 more Bolt Throwers. The list looks sound, though no Hob Goblins as fodder or cover is my only distaste here but that’s a personnal preference. :slight_smile: Play a game or 3 let us know how it fairs. :slight_smile:


The list looks pretty solid, I'd suggest Sheilds for the Black Orcs as it will increase their survivability incredibly well, but points to them shall be an issue. Another option would be to cull a few BO's and take 2 more Bolt Throwers. The list looks sound, though no Hob Goblins as fodder or cover is my only distaste here but that's a personnal preference. :) Play a game or 3 let us know how it fairs. :)

Auretious Taak
Will do! Thanks for the comments! :hat off Although, i dont have the rules to hand but i thought that Black Orcs came with shields as standard because of the "armed to the teeth" rule... and I would take 2 more HBBT but were sticking to the 1000pt restrictions! Thanks again! :)

Auretious Taak:

13 pts per BO, 1 pt per shield. The armed to da teef rule says in brackets (in case they have sheields) it doesn’t say they do and this actually hints that it’s only if they choose to take a shield, which in the army list you have to pay extra for.


13 pts per BO, 1 pt per shield. The armed to da teef rule says in brackets (in case they have sheields) it doesn't say they do and this actually hints that it's only if they choose to take a shield, which in the army list you have to pay extra for.

Auretious Taak
Ah! Thanks for clearking that up! :hat off lists been changed and i should be playing a game middle of next week! thanks again! :)

Auretious Taak:

Not a problem, let us know how the battle goes.

Auretious Taak.