[Archive] First List 2000pts friendly


Just finished putting together a balanced list with mostly a focus on magic and big infantry blocks. Let me know what you think.


Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer Lord - 310pts

-lvl 4

-Dispel Scroll

-Black gem

-Power Stone

-Lore of Metal

Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer - 125pts

-lvl 2

-Dispel Scroll

-Lore of Fire

Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer - 125pts

-lvl 2

-Dispel Scroll

-Lore of Death


Chaos Dwarf Blunderbuss x17 - 224pts



Chaos Dwarf Warriors x24 -246pts

-Full Command


Chaos Dwarf Warriors x24 -246pts

-Full Command


Gnoblar Slave Mob (hobgoblins) x25 - 60pts


Gnoblar Slave Mob (hobgoblins) x25 - 60pts


Gnoblar Slave Mob (hobgoblins) x25 - 60pts



Black Orc Slaves x20 - 318pts

- Full Command

- Shields

Goblin Slave Bolt Throwers (Hobgoblin BTs) x2 - 60pts

Goblin Slave Bolt Throwers (Hobgoblin BTs) x2 - 60pts


Earthshaker - 110pts

Look good?

Im open to anything though i would love to keep the black orcs because i love the models and fluff wise they fit in well. Im not about uber victory destroy everything and make people hate you i play the game for fun though i would like to be competative enough to not get beaten into the ground.

Auretious Taak:

The list looks fairly solid. My advice would be to make one of those Hob Goblin units into 3 units of 10 with handweapons and nothing else. For 20 pts each you have cheap flankers that can counter the charge into the warriors or supplement them next round to cancel enemy rank bonus’s et al, and also help fend against fast cavalry/fliers/skirmishes making a run at your warmachines. Just remember they are dirt cheap for a reason and who cares if they die it’s only 20 VP’s a unit to teh enemy and if 1 is alive at the end of the game that’s only 10 VP’s the enemy gets!

My advice would be to find the points for a Chaos Dwarf Hero, give him a Great Weapon, Heavy Armour, and Shield to go with his Handweapon, which comes to 70pts even IIRC. Take him because then your core combat force including the Black Orcs are now Leadership 10. It is one of the strengths of the Choas Dwarfs over all other armies that they can have a leadership 10 general at only hero level, not even other dwarfs or elves get that advantage so use it well. Black Orcs are cool also and good to see them in the list though perhaps sort stuff around to make them 25 strong so they can take some damage at range before they get into combat and thus minimise their rank bonus losses before combat begins. :slight_smile:

Played any games yet ForlornHope? Let us know how the list is getting along.


Auretious Taak.


Looks like a nice list :slight_smile:

I agree with Auretious, a CD hero would be a cool addition, although I prefer to make him the BSB and keep the Sorcerer Lord as general. A re-roll on break tests is very nice, those hobgoblins within 12" of the general suddenly become rather harder to get rid of :cheers

I would say 25 Blorcs would get expensive though, I could never find the points for it. I always ran mine 6x3 for the extra attacks.

I don’t think you need 3 scrolls, as you have the numbers and dispel dice to soak up a fair bit of damage, maybe drop down to 1 or 2 if you need to find points.

I also find 2 units of Blunderbusses work very well, if they both fire at the same target its absolutely horrendous. Maybe shave a few points here and there and go for 2 units of 15 or so.

No shadow magic? I like it a lot :slight_smile: Depending on who you play, it can be a game winner. Maybe best to leave deciding on your sorcerers lores until the game.