[Archive] Florian�?~s attempts of creating a Chaos Dwarf Army (in 15mm)

Sagon of Akkad:

Truly the lesser races should tremble before the onslaught of your master. Pray tell who is the sorceror with the scythe for he fills me with dread and awe

Uther the unhinged

Well spoken! I will offer your praise to my master. Be sure that I will bid him to deliver a quick death to your kinsmen, should they ever meet my master on the field of battle!

The sorceror with scythe is actually a 28mm familiar which I got from a kickstarter with a small company called knightmare miniatures.


I just found those here:

I have some of their orcs, which are truly awesom and tower over my Demonworld orcs.

Maybe their goblins are also slightly larger? Then with small modifications or without them, they could be a) distinct from the Demonworld goblins and b) looking truly sneaky and devious!

I used some of the orcs for my 15mm Space Orks as Nobz: http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=101186.msg1256618#msg1256618

Sagon of Akkad
I've been considering the Blood Dawn line as well, the orcs seem to be commonly used as black orcs and I've not yet settled on a line for those yet. Are there many variant sculpts for their units? The Blood Dawn line is difficult to find much information on, I'd love to order some but I'd be using them for skirmish purposes and am trying to avoid using repeat sculpts as much as possible.

Sagon of Akkad:

I just found those here:

I have some of their orcs, which are truly awesom and tower over my Demonworld orcs.

Maybe their goblins are also slightly larger? Then with small modifications or without them, they could be a) distinct from the Demonworld goblins and b) looking truly sneaky and devious!

I used some of the orcs for my 15mm Space Orks as Nobz: http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=101186.msg1256618#msg1256618

Sagon of Akkad
I've been considering the Blood Dawn line as well, the orcs seem to be commonly used as black orcs and I've not yet settled on a line for those yet. Are there many variant sculpts for their units? The Blood Dawn line is difficult to find much information on, I'd love to order some but I'd be using them for skirmish purposes and am trying to avoid using repeat sculpts as much as possible.

Well, I only have the �?zgreat orcs�?o and they featured four variants for infantry and two for archers. Seemed fair enough considering their age (they are a reused line of a failed system).

I just placed an order for gobbos and will show pictures once they have arrived. If the are just a little taller than the Demonworld goblins then they could be perfect!

May I ask what kind of skirmishes you play and what rules you use?


Well, I only have the �?zgreat orcs�?o and they featured four variants for infantry and two for archers. Seemed fair enough considering their age (they are a reused line of a failed system).

I just placed an order for gobbos and will show pictures once they have arrived. If the are just a little taller than the Demonworld goblins then they could be perfect!

May I ask what kind of skirmishes you play and what rules you use?

Sagon of Akkad
That does seem fair for an older line, and being a reused line explains why I can't seem to find much info about them!

I did manage to find this this morning though: http://72-multiverse.blogspot.ca/2014/01/goblins-in-plenty.html  
which unfortunately has some bad news regarding the size of the goblins :( The Demonworld ones are one of the only ones I can't find on there, but I'm pretty sure they're actually taller than the Blood Dawn ones. Maybe they'll work for gnoblar slaves instead? :)

I'm actually just getting back into tabletop gaming after a 10+ break starting completely fresh and have no opponents at the moment so I'm planning to use the Frostgrave/Ghost Archipelago rules as they seem solo-friendly and eventually adapt them to something closer in spirit to Gorkamorka, with groups of Chaos Dwarfs and greenskins and ogres and whoever else fighting over slaves instead of treasure :) So far I just have my night goblins done but once the Tjublings are here and finished I'll be sure to post them!

Sagon of Akkad:

Well, I only have the �?zgreat orcs�?o and they featured four variants for infantry and two for archers. Seemed fair enough considering their age (they are a reused line of a failed system).

I just placed an order for gobbos and will show pictures once they have arrived. If the are just a little taller than the Demonworld goblins then they could be perfect!

May I ask what kind of skirmishes you play and what rules you use?

Sagon of Akkad
That does seem fair for an older line, and being a reused line explains why I can't seem to find much info about them!

I did manage to find this this morning though: http://72-multiverse.blogspot.ca/2014/01/goblins-in-plenty.html  
which unfortunately has some bad news regarding the size of the goblins :( The Demonworld ones are one of the only ones I can't find on there, but I'm pretty sure they're actually taller than the Blood Dawn ones. Maybe they'll work for gnoblar slaves instead? :)

I'm actually just getting back into tabletop gaming after a 10+ break starting completely fresh and have no opponents at the moment so I'm planning to use the Frostgrave/Ghost Archipelago rules as they seem solo-friendly and eventually adapt them to something closer in spirit to Gorkamorka, with groups of Chaos Dwarfs and greenskins and ogres and whoever else fighting over slaves instead of treasure :) So far I just have my night goblins done but once the Tjublings are here and finished I'll be sure to post them!

Hmmm... I can�?Tt open your link from the train, but if the Blooddawn 15s are indeed smaller than the Demonworld ones, then I�?Tll just sort them into the normal gobbos and will keep looking for true hobgoblins.

Where do you live btw? My master happened to get back into the hobby a couple of years ago and got hooked with 15s for size and storage and price mainly.


Hmmm... I can�?Tt open your link from the train, but if the Blooddawn 15s are indeed smaller than the Demonworld ones, then I�?Tll just sort them into the normal gobbos and will keep looking for true hobgoblins.

Where do you live btw? My master happened to get back into the hobby a couple of years ago and got hooked with 15s for size and storage and price mainly.

Sagon of Akkad
I think this should work better, sorry: http://72-multiverse.blogspot.ca/2014/01/goblins-in-plenty.html
I must apologize as I was looking at the wrong picture before, they actually look pretty comparable in height to the Demonworld goblins, if perhaps a bit skinnier. They're about 3/4 of the way to the bottom, here is a direct link to the picture, hopefully this works: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/--2SFi-BdN2c/UuFBsBc22EI/AAAAAAAAEGQ/MKLo-03bY1U/s1600/DSCF3065.JPG
Should mix in just fine anyway, I'll definitely be ordering some!

I live in Canada, a bit north of Toronto. Not much of a gaming scene around here unfortunately, but on the plus side I'm not feeling any pressure to play what's popular in the area and can just experiment with different games. I went with 15mm for the same reasons, my space is fairly limited here and the prices can't be beat. The faster painting has been a nice bonus as well :) How about yourself, where do you live?

Sagon of Akkad:

Hmmm... I can�?Tt open your link from the train, but if the Blooddawn 15s are indeed smaller than the Demonworld ones, then I�?Tll just sort them into the normal gobbos and will keep looking for true hobgoblins.

Where do you live btw? My master happened to get back into the hobby a couple of years ago and got hooked with 15s for size and storage and price mainly.

Sagon of Akkad
I think this should work better, sorry: http://72-multiverse.blogspot.ca/2014/01/goblins-in-plenty.html
I must apologize as I was looking at the wrong picture before, they actually look pretty comparable in height to the Demonworld goblins, if perhaps a bit skinnier. They're about 3/4 of the way to the bottom, here is a direct link to the picture, hopefully this works: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/--2SFi-BdN2c/UuFBsBc22EI/AAAAAAAAEGQ/MKLo-03bY1U/s1600/DSCF3065.JPG
Should mix in just fine anyway, I'll definitely be ordering some!

I live in Canada, a bit north of Toronto. Not much of a gaming scene around here unfortunately, but on the plus side I'm not feeling any pressure to play what's popular in the area and can just experiment with different games. I went with 15mm for the same reasons, my space is fairly limited here and the prices can't be beat. The faster painting has been a nice bonus as well :) How about yourself, where do you live?

Thank you. Indeed that was better. They do look small indeed. We will see what they can be used as...

The last 12 years I lived in a small appartment in Berlin, Germany, doing archaeological projects and visiting my wife during the weekends (if I wasn�?Tt digging up outposts of Zharr Nagrond;)). There was no space for anything larger. I had a gaming buddy and we started to play warhammer in 10mm using Warmaster minis. These, however, have become very pricey since they became oop.
15mm was my choice then to play the games of old. We enjoyed Warhammer 40k, Mordheim etc., but also played AoS and Song of Blades and Heroes.

Since last September I found a permanent position near my wife, but even if space is now more generously available, the painting time is limited and I�?Tm pretty sure, I would not want to spend the money for a 28mm CD army. So yeah, if you ever fly over Germany and happen to be in the area of Hanover, my master is available for a battle!


I had considered both 10mm and 6mm for my skirmish scale as well, weighing out different options and comparing model lines and rule sets for probably a month or two with the initial plan being historicals, before I somehow landed on the Demonworld line and immediately fell in love :slight_smile: The Frostgrave rules seemed to be pretty universally liked with an emphasis on fun instead of being something competitive as well as very setting-neutral, and seemed easy to adapt to a Warhammer setting so I bought most of the books with some Google credit I had collecting dust. The thought was that I could then maybe do Warmaster in 6mm, but after seeing some Minihammer armies I’m tempted to just build out a couple of my Frostgrave warbands, which are sitting around 20+ models each anyway to give myself lots of options. Now just to figure out basing…

Congrats on finding a place near your wife, that must have been difficult! I must admit some of the beautiful 28mm minis these days are very tempting and it was Privateer Press’ Company of Iron that initially had me consider getting back into gaming, but historically I have always had difficulty sticking with one army or project long enough to complete anything and the speed at which I can both acquire and paint 15mm models is a big help in staying motivated so I’ll be sticking with that for now at least. I plan to visit Germany someyear down the road so I will certainly keep your offer in mind, the same goes for you should you find yourself in Ontario someday! Maybe give me a few months to get a battlefield together though :slight_smile:


nice tjublings you have there :wink:

Sagon of Akkad:

nice tjublings you have there ;)

Thank you, Lord Babis! My Master will be pleased to hear these words!

Sagon of Akkad:

I had considered both 10mm and 6mm for my skirmish scale as well, weighing out different options and comparing model lines and rule sets for probably a month or two with the initial plan being historicals, before I somehow landed on the Demonworld line and immediately fell in love :) The Frostgrave rules seemed to be pretty universally liked with an emphasis on fun instead of being something competitive as well as very setting-neutral, and seemed easy to adapt to a Warhammer setting so I bought most of the books with some Google credit I had collecting dust. The thought was that I could then maybe do Warmaster in 6mm, but after seeing some Minihammer armies I'm tempted to just build out a couple of my Frostgrave warbands, which are sitting around 20+ models each anyway to give myself lots of options. Now just to figure out basing..

Congrats on finding a place near your wife, that must have been difficult! I must admit some of the beautiful 28mm minis these days are very tempting and it was Privateer Press' Company of Iron that initially had me consider getting back into gaming, but historically I have always had difficulty sticking with one army or project long enough to complete anything and the speed at which I can both acquire and paint 15mm models is a big help in staying motivated so I'll be sticking with that for now at least. I plan to visit Germany someyear down the road so I will certainly keep your offer in mind, the same goes for you should you find yourself in Ontario someday! Maybe give me a few months to get a battlefield together though :)

Yes, 28mm are indeed tempting, and they still can be bought cheaply (those big box games of modern times) and in incredible quality. But apart from some Oldhammer fun, I still am not able to build enough terrain and have enough space available for this venture - apart from painting more than character minis. With 15s you can indeed paint a unit in one or two evenings...that means skirmish games are quickly possible and wargames with units are only a matter of weeks - not decades!

I, btw, had the same problem of focussing to a specific army. Thats another reason, why 15mm is the way to go, no matter how shiny those larger models look. 10mm are also nice, but to small for individual basing (as are 6mm), so you get the best of two worlds!

Please feel free to contact me, should you be around! We have good beer, excellent asparagus and nice meats and I can show you a bit around in my hoard of treasures! :hat

Sagon of Akkad:

Brothers (and enslaved races)!

Here my words!

The Swedish postal system be praised! Let�?Ts make their death a swift one, should we ever conquer those cold lands. I ordered new models for my master on the 5th of May and even though there were weekends and oceans between, the order of 15mm tjublings has safely arrived today!

Thank thee, mighty Matte, thank thee great Tobbe! We honor thy work!


Haha, at the moment there are lots of people in Scandinavia who would wish Postnord a slow death. :stuck_out_tongue:

Good to hear their recent troubles are over and speed is up again. Already delivered? That was fast! Looking forward to see more. :hat off


Wow, this is so cool! And thanks for all the kind words… :slight_smile:

Your “tjublings” looks great, really looking forward to see the war band grow!

As far as new models, I have a few projects I need to finish of first and find the CD-mojo again. But sure, there are plans for more to come! Been away for some time and coming back to find this blog sure helped. :wink:


…oh, and Id go with Demonworld any day. Love all of their range! Until I hopefully get around to do some of my own. :slight_smile:

Sagon of Akkad:

Haha, at the moment there are lots of people in Scandinavia who would wish Postnord a slow death. :P

Good to hear their recent troubles are over and speed is up again. Already delivered? That was fast! Looking forward to see more. :hat off

Then death they shall have when we are upon them!

But, nevertheless, my master was more than impressed with their work.

Sagon of Akkad:

Wow, this is so cool! And thanks for all the kind words... :)
Your "tjublings" looks great, really looking forward to see the war band grow!

As far as new models, I have a few projects I need to finish of first and find the CD-mojo again. But sure, there are plans for more to come! Been away for some time and coming back to find this blog sure helped. ;)

Mighty Tjub, lord of the tjublings! Praised be thy hand and hallowed be thy creative mind. May the mojo of the Chaos Dwarfs return soon!:cheers

My master did find only little time this week, but another ten tjublings were basecoated and had the basic colors applied. He is also very impressed with the new sculpts for the blunderbuss shooters and especially the flamers.:hat

Please, mojo, visit the mighty Tjub soon!:idea


Please feel free to contact me, should you be around! We have good beer, excellent asparagus and nice meats and I can show you a bit around in my hoard of treasures! :hat

Sagon of Akkad
I've got this sudden urge to start up my German lessons again :) I'll certainly keep your offer in mind! In the meantime I look forward to bouncing ideas back and forth with you, what sorts of things are you doing for 15mm Chaos Dwarf-y terrain? I've got my first four warbands roughly planned out so I guess the next step will be my first battlefield, I need some inspiration :)


Please feel free to contact me, should you be around! We have good beer, excellent asparagus and nice meats and I can show you a bit around in my hoard of treasures! :hat

Sagon of Akkad
I've got this sudden urge to start up my German lessons again :) I'll certainly keep your offer in mind! In the meantime I look forward to bouncing ideas back and forth with you, what sorts of things are you doing for 15mm Chaos Dwarf-y terrain? I've got my first four warbands roughly planned out so I guess the next step will be my first battlefield, I need some inspiration :)

Here are some Chaos Dwarf terrain that Ive made for 28mm, but all of it could easily be done for 15mm as well. :hat off
[*]Skull Terrain - WIPs, painted, multible posts
[*]Fortress WIPs
[*]Fortress WIPs, entire build, multible posts
[*]Painted: Obsidian Fortress, multible posts
[*]Ash Clouds, multible posts
[*]Arcane Fulcrum

Sagon of Akkad:

Please feel free to contact me, should you be around! We have good beer, excellent asparagus and nice meats and I can show you a bit around in my hoard of treasures! :hat

Sagon of Akkad
I've got this sudden urge to start up my German lessons again :) I'll certainly keep your offer in mind! In the meantime I look forward to bouncing ideas back and forth with you, what sorts of things are you doing for 15mm Chaos Dwarf-y terrain? I've got my first four warbands roughly planned out so I guess the next step will be my first battlefield, I need some inspiration :)

Please do come!

To the question: There is a very small uk-based company that makes excellent 15mm sculpts that remind me of the best fantasy movie ever made...;)
I have their city terrain which is perfectly scaled and gives the right mood for town built from mudbricks in deserted realms.
