[Archive] Forgeworld Marine Bits & Pieces for sale


19 Mk 4 Helms, £1 ea (5 Sold)
40 RS Pads, 75p ea
6 RS Torsos, £1.50 ea
5 Mk 4 Torsos, £1.50 ea (All Sold)
1 RS Hass Torso, £1.50
1 Mk 2 Helm £1 (Sold)
10 Mk 4 Pads 50p ea (4 Sold)
1 Mk 4 Legs £2 (sold)
2 MK 4 Arm sets £1 ea (Sold)
2 Mk 4 Backpacks £1.50 ea (Sold)
2 Mk 2 Tank crew Torsos/cupola fitting £2 Ea
1 Mk 4 Apothecary backpack £2
3 RS Hass bionic arm/power sword £1 ea (1 Pending, 1 Sold)
2 RS Culin power swords £1 ea
6 RS Hass Pads (3 left, 3 right) £1 ea
1 Plasma pistol £1
7 Ferrox bolters £1 ea (3 Sold)
1 Combi-flamer £1.50 (Sold)
2 LE Assault Captain bolters w/GL £2 ea (Sold)

Everything is untouched by paint, except 1 RS Pad.

Ok, Postage will be £1.50 inside the UK. All items will be posted off on the 16/8/12. Only items im looking for in trade is 3rd Ed Chaos Dwarfs.

First come first served, and post here with what you want.



Updated list, get your bits while you can.


Not much left, now accepting offers.


Still up for grabs

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I’m still interested in the bolters if they are still there friday


Only have 4 bolters left now my friend sorry.




Still bits left

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Now listed on ebay>
