With more and more people moving into other rules systems, it’s time to look at the thread names in our forum. We would like members who play systems not resprented to share their thought on approiate gallery names.
- weapons on the unit - base size of individual models. - fluff (the difference between hellcannon and earthshaker galleries - is one is a demonic cannon).
K’daii and Lesser Obsidian Golems are not not the same type of monster as pr setting fluff. But being 40mm base monster, of similar size, controlled by chaos dwarf magicians they should fit in the same gallery.
There shouldn’t be much trouble in regards to 9th Age unit types. Most 9th Age players are sill former Warhammer Players and almost all units in Infernal Dwarf list have a warhammer 8th counter part.
I’ll not list all our current gallery threads and their names. KoW players, AoS players and 9th Age players should should help by copying the list - and writing which unit fit to it.
Some units might need entirely new threads, but we already have many, so this should be avoided if possible. But will make new threads if needed. Perhaps a “Monsters - Oher enslaved monsters” and I suppose we need a “Chaos Dwarf Allies & Slaves - Harpies” as they are part of the KoW list.
I don’t know the level of alliance in KoW. In my mind greenskins are part of evil dwarf armies (we have the galleries due to the old school warhammer editions. But which is the obvious allies in say KoW?
Thanks for optimizing Chaos Dwarfs Online for an era with an abundance of game systems with evil dwarfs!
Vertical Lines: made with the code (hr) - with instead of () - nice for all your blogs and battle reports.
I don't know the level of alliance in KoW. In my mind greenskins are part of evil dwarf armies (we have the galleries due to the old school warhammer editions. But which is the obvious allies in say KoW?
In KoW Abyssal Dwarves can ally with any Neutral or Evil Alignment armies which gives a fairly broad basis for adding units. I suspect for the most part that players will keep to themed units (ie. I have a Fire Elemental and a Hydra, and some Fire Salamanders incoming, all which both play into the Fire/Force of Nature aspect/Evil Dwarf models and are therefore near to or completely within the the Chaos Dwarf purvue. That stated, in some instances a KoW player might use allied lists to play models within the WHFB CD cannon that have no obvious direct correlation (such as the Hell Cannon). Any units that do not will likely already fit into the generic Slaves and Other category under allies. The exception is monsters which I have added to the Destroyer category below tentatively as it is where the larger beasties fit best without creating a new category.
Please see my suggested updated names below. I have been keeping monsters that I post in their actual category if they correlate to an existing WHFB category (ie. I posted my Lammasu to be played in KoW as "Basusu the Vile" in the Lammasu category rather than another monster category as that is what he actually is even if I count him as something else. The only new category I am suggesting is the afore mentioned "Harpies/Gargoyles" category. Some such as slave Orcs do not need a rename to fit the category. Items in BOLD are my suggested updates. Let me know your thoughts.
Chaos Dwarf Characters - Dark Castellan / Battle Standard Bearers / Slavedriver
Chaos Dwarf Characters - Lords/Warlords/ Overmaster (inc. Mounted) and other character models Greater Obsidian Golem / Other Enslaved or Allied Monsters
So as to categorizing golems, elementals, and other constructs that might be introduced into a CD army via KoW or any other game I think there are two things we might need to hammer out.
1. Do we want to consider all or most of these units to be K�?Tdaai? What is considered a K�?Tdaai for the purposes of the gallery? Is a fire elemental controlled by a Sorcerer a K�?Tdaai? I dunno. I feel like that depends allot of on how it�?Ts modeled and even on what your armies lore is.
2. If not (or even a few outliers aren�?Tt) should we have a separate thread for units that don�?Tt fit into a K�?Tdaai category?
There was a suggestion on the source post by Jackswift that we could easily get allot of these units (a majority of which are coming from KoW players with complicated allies and other incongruent monster options) into a simple KoW Monsters category. Personality I don�?Tt like this idea, while I do play with the KoW system, my models are certainly meant to be in the Old World (and I think a vast majority of KoW players on the forum in that camp) the idea of some of my models being shunted into a KoW section kinda makes me feel like it separates it from being considered a legitimate creature that is associated with the Old World. But on the other hand this would be a really simple solution, and as a bonus gives a home for things that aren�?Tt meant to fit into the Old World.
My suggestion is that we add an Other K�?Tdaai section and a Other Monsters section, the former for K�?Tdaai that don�?Tt fit into the Fireborn or Destroyer classification and Other Monsters for creatures and things that don�?Tt feel like K�?Tdaai. The down side is that people might have conflicting ideas about what belongs in which category, I consider my Greater Obsidian Golem a K’daai mostly just because I imagine it being animated by the same rituals and daemon-forged life force, just a different style of vessel. But frankly if I just thought of it as an obsidian automaton puppeted by my Daemon-Smith I feel like it would be well�?�. just a Golem that belongs in the Other Monsters section. Even as I�?Tm writing this the lack of flames, molten steel, or lava it starting to make me doubt whether my Greater Obsidian Golem really is a K�?Tdaai (but I have a tendency to spiral deep into the rabbit hole so I dunno, in a few hours I might find me self readily to vehemently defend my Golems classification as a K�?Tdaai. I need to think about it and read up more on K�?Tdaai).
What do other people think? or does anyone have any other idea’s or solutions?
Edit: Aww… sorry I spent so long editing and rambling writing my post jackswift wrote a whole other solution before I finished! I think just adding the KoW specific units to the catagory is another great simple solution. I don’t really see any down side to it.
Thanks for your input gentlemen. One thing I got to consider last night was, that we should only add all the entries in the Abyssal Dwarf army list - not whatever generic allies/monsters etc that everybody can use.
We didn’t do this with LoA (came as part of the chaos grand alliance) or when GW allowed all Monstrous Arcanum, Storm of Magic monsters in all list at events.
The DoW, greenskins and so on entries are all in the gallery for historical reasons from the old big hat army book, and in the years that followed where only fan made army books existed. DoW is there because there was the official Khan unit of hobgoblins wolf riders that set the modern mongol style).
Jackswift has made a good list and I’ll see to implement that ASAP.
Is grotesques and half breed the same type of model? Are the bull centaurs?
Abyssal dwarf bezerkers? Is that slayers? Then we’ll put the Disciples of Lugar on that one as well.
Good point and sounds like a good plan. Abyssal Berserkers are a part of the Abyssal Dwarf list and are essentially evil slayers so Disciples of Lugar fits there perfectly.
Grotesques are giant halfbreeds. Old school Bull Centaurs are equivalent to Abyssal Halfbreeds and FW Bull Centaur Renders (much larger in scale) are equivalent to Abyssal Grotesques. Thanks, JR