[Archive] FW Bull Centaur Taur'uk

Singleton Mosby:

Definately need more heads and I could use a dedicated Taur’uk for sure. But this had is one of the worst I’ve seen.

Thommy H:

Nice. I like how his hat appears to be slotted over his existing horns. Little logical concepts like that really improve a model.

The Besieger:

He will be welcome in my new FW Bull Centaur unit :slight_smile:


Excited to see something they didn’t have planned, Thats good news


He will be welcome in my new FW Bull Centaur unit :)

The Besieger

Ender SpiteSworn:

Nice! Thanks!

I like it so far, I wish they would have had a great weapon on it though…

I actually love the hat . . .

Will la tete rouge:

Nice. But WTF is with the hat?

I wonder if he is going to point forward, Because that's what we need another Chaos Dwarf Mini that's pointing, They love pointing.

Yeah like, - look! Where? There, no other there. Yes there! Wow, what is it? I don't know but theres another one there! And there!

Too funny!


I like the hat, even if it could have been even taller.

But i really think this guy could use a nice big moustache. Could really give him more personnality, among his brethren.

Hope he’s pointing, indeed ^^


Cool model. Yep, I’ll pick that up.

Not so keen on the beard, but then I would be resculpting it anyway.


the hat looks like a huge helm to me…
but still a great mini nevertheless


The dude is pretty cool !

The helmet is okay, though there is an obvious spot where we can get rid of the top if needed.

Not such a huge fan of the beard, it seems it has been added after the “jaws” and the metalic thing around its face.

I mean there is a weird feeling about.

I look forward to seeing it completely done


FW has my cash once again… Great Find!


Head & Helmet remind me somehow of the mantic miniatures…


noooiiice… finally something at least heroic!

and far away form the Buttheaded Centaurs…

buuut, as someone has already pointed out, it looks too much like the Mantic Abyssals: it basically has the SAME head of the Dwarf Lord and it’s posed like one of the Half-Breeds!!

yeah, even the Abyssals aren’t that much “speshul snowflakes”…

but FW pls.

Thommy H:

Yeah, well since the Abyssal Dwarfs are obviously intended to be proxy Chaos Dwarfs, it would probably be fairer to say that both are drawing their imagery from the same source - the 4th/5th Edition GW Chaos Dwarf range. I don’t think Mantic have much of a leg to stand on when it comes to ripping stuff off there.


Love love love this. I was about to convert up one of my 10 fw bull centaurs, glad I don’t have to now!


Finally, they get something right.

Damn. Now I’m going to buy some BCs and this guy.


agreed Baggronor. I think this guy looks badass.


I’ll buy it if it’s reasonably priced. I didn’t buy the available bull centaurs because although the models are cool they don’t fit my army. Those bull centaurs look too “frenzied” and would fit better in something like a Beastmen army. On the other hand, this guy looks like he’s more in control of himself so I may get this one as a Taur’uk and continue with my conversions for the rank and file.

Regarding the hat, I’m open. I’ll wait and see the miniature before I decide to keep the hat or not.

Nice find!

Glimpse the Void:

Thanks for the heads up, Now I know I have to finish the conversion I planned really soon. I bits ordered a jugger body and a demon prince torso. This looks alright, but its really not that much cooler than the unit and as it was pointed out it looks just like the mantic stuff.