[Archive] GD 2014 Silver WFB Large Model - Drazoath


CoolMiniOrNot - Drazhoath The Ashen, Silver at 2014 golden demon 2nd set of images by Skinskinner

slight groundhog from Vogon’s Warhammer Fest thread but some nice pics and Cmon Profile of the artist


Nice find! :hat off

But maybe the post should be moved to the “Chaos Dwarf gems on Cool Mini Or Not and other places on the internet! (not mine)” thread! :wink:



Amazing pain job on a great looking mini!! nice find!!


Nice find! :hat off

But maybe the post should be moved to the "Chaos Dwarf gems on Cool Mini Or Not and other places on the internet! (not mine)" thread! ;)


sure ill add it

Wolf :

That model is simply awesome, I’m now thinking of doing a similar theme by placing two banners behind Drazoath, all be it to a much lesser painting standard.

Great post.


from the same guy who gave us this

CoolMiniOrNot - repost chaos dwarfs by Skinskinner

and this

CoolMiniOrNot - Chaos dwarf by Skinskinner

here’s his website for more pics and commission work



Not a fan of the banner, but otherwise spectacular and good for raising the profile of CD and Warhammer Forge.


Not a fan of the banner, but otherwise spectacular and good for raising the profile of CD and Warhammer Forge.

I exactly feel the otherway around :p

Great banner :D but not a huge fan on overall .


it reminds me a lot of Golgotha

CoolMiniOrNot - Golgotha w/ Details by VictorHardy


Huge fan overall :slight_smile: I especially like how he depicted the muscles of the cow. Really expertly done. But for all his talent, he seems unable to properly paint fire?


Huge fan overall :) I especially like how he depicted the muscles of the cow. Really expertly done. But for all his talent, he seems unable to properly paint fire?

I think its probably meant to be more of a magical energy rather than tradtional fire. That desaturated red is a very stylised choice/look that is a running theme throughout. I don't like it much I prefer vivid bold saturated colors and deep dark reds myself. I had enough of desaturated ashed out stuff in the 80's. Thats too grey and pinky for me. Still cool though wish I could paint that well. Golgotha has the same kind of desaturated pinky reds which is what makes me think he may have copied that a bit or used it for inspiration.