Well, it’s about that time again, and WoH mentions that GH8 will be running Jan-Mar, therefore I’m surprised at the lack of speculation as to what people reckon GH VIII will entail. I’m hoping not to stand on any toes here but I hope it will be a Bull Centaur Champion/Lord/Std or something. Or a sorceror! or a special character (Astragoth!). Excited to find out as I am coming in to some free time soon, and may even get an entry done on time…
Hopefully we will finally get War Machine so i can get my second Death Rocket or Bolt Thrower painted up. Astragoth would just involve me stripping mine and giving it a repaint. Theres not much point in sorceror since a sorceror is whats just won in the previous GH.
I’d like to see a warmachine competition. Earthshakers, Death Rockets, Firespitters, Bazookas, Doom Blasters, Hellcannons, Demon-Ass Cannons, Hobgoblin Bolt Throwers… Anything that fires something bigger than a fist.
Just to clarify, there will be an announcement soon, but we are waiting on certain things before we make it. Or in other words we could annnounce it now, but we may be wrong if the theme changes.