Finally found some spare time, so I added GH#3 to the main site.
Also, a friendly reminder that Golden Hat IV is underway! So muster the slaves and get crackin’!
On a personal note, I have finally transfered over my work station for my Warhammer to its new location in my basement. I have been working on my unit of hobgoblins. As you may know I have already made 10, so I have been working to paint those, with 7 done so far. I am assembling 10 more, and currently they are pinned up and have filled in pot bellies. With the addition of some legs, hats and axe heads, they will be ready for painting soon also! Concurrently, I am working on my 5 slaves, and have 4 on the go, with a 5th planned! Exciting times.
Anyway, check out the entries from GH#3 if you haven’t seen them before. GH#3 was awesome, but let’s see if we can top 10 entries with GH#IV!
Cheers, :cheers