[Archive] Golden Hat #3 - Winner!


The votes are in. Our third Golden Hat competition has probably been the best one yet! Well done to everyone who entered! As a special bonus, I am giving out 5 slaves to everyone who participated.

Our winner is revealed to be (did you guess?) Ishkur Cinderhat!

The entries were made by these members:
Entry 1 - Snotling
Entry 2 - The Evil Twin
Entry 3 - Canix
Entry 4 - Cornixt
Entry 5 - Orclord
Entry 6 - Dedwrekka
Entry 7 - Grunts
Entry 8 - Ishkur Cinderhat
Entry 9 - Revlid
Entry 10 - Lord Archaon

1st: Ishkur Cinderhat
2nd: Snotling
3rd: Grunts

I will be uploading all entries to the main site promptly!

The moderation team is already discussing our next ideas for GH#4. If you have any don’t hesitate to list them here! And don’t forget to congratulate our winners and entrants!

-Xander :cheers

Pyro Stick:

I guess Ishkur did do an awesome job. Well done for winning Ishkur. I still think Snotlings entry was awesome as well.


Great model Ishkur, well done! Any chance of seeing a unit of wolfboyz to go with him?


Three cheers for Ishkur!

Hip hip, hooray!

Ishkur Cinderhat:

Yay! :cheers

Many thanks! I feel very honored.

I had a lot of fun preparing for the contest. It also finally got me to make something new for my Chaos Dwarfs, after having been inappropriately distracted by Space Marines and Death Korps for awhile!

I’ll definitely make him the leader of my wolf boyz. Just have to finish 4 more models now, then my unit of 10 is complete and he can join the fun on the battlefield… ^^

Pyro Stick:

Cant wait to see the completed unit. Its going to look awesome


Nice job Ishkur. Excellent job.

And great job everyone who participated.

Xander it would be helpful for those of us who are newer to the site to know what the previous Golden Hat competitions were so we could better suggest what Golden Hat #4 should be about.

Ghrask Dragh:

:cheers Ishkur! Great Job :hat off

Pyro Stick:

Xander it would be helpful for those of us who are newer to the site to know what the previous Golden Hat competitions were so we could better suggest what Golden Hat #4 should be about.

A thread is usually started by an admin to ask for suggestions as to what people want the next competition to be. If you want to know about the previous two you could search for them


Congratulations Ishkur:cheers great mini as were all the entries IMO :hat off to all great to see everybodys take on the hobgoblins:hat


Yes Congrats Ishkur - you did a awesome job on this - now please enlighten us! How was this beauty achieved?

Edit: Sorry - found it! Never read the forum from the top - I guess!:slight_smile:


Congrats Ishkur.

Wonder what the next GH is going to be for…


Wonder what the next GH is going to be for....



An award for a unit would be good, it would encourage people to get their armies done


Congratulations on an awesome model Ishkur and well done to everyone else who entered they were all really good.

If you wouldnt mind Ishkur please do enlighten us on the techniques you used to create it, it would be really helpful to the CD community as I have no doubt that people would love to create something similar, myself being one! :hat off

Ishkur Cinderhat:


Yeah that would be cool. Though everyone has his Earthshaker already, and bolt throwers don't make for much of an interesting project... Maybe a piece of terrain, next time?
If you wouldnt mind Ishkur please do enlighten us on the techniques you used to create it, it would be really helpful to the CD community as I have no doubt that people would love to create something similar, myself being one! :hat off

Of course. We need to further our cause after all! Clam linked to my army thread just a few posts above. I pretty much explained everything there in detail. More text and no one would ever read it ;)


Congratulations Ishkur! A very deserved victory. (I wish I had you talent)

- Tallhat



I agree! And since everybody has an earthshaker done *cough*hellcannon*cough* I suggest Deathrockets! I know they aren't that popular among the masses, but hey, its the other daemon engine in the army and would make for some imaginative conversions.

Oh yes, and congrats to Ishkur on another stupendous model! No harm in losing to the best :cheers


Well done Ishkur. It’s another fine addition to your army, which as I’ve already said, I’d love to own.



I suggest Deathrockets!��I know they aren't that popular among the masses, but hey, its the other daemon engine in the army and would make for some imaginative conversions.

Nor is the Hobbo leader (hero)! Deathrockets is a great idea, but I would prefer BCs/BC heroes