[Archive] Golden Hat #8 - Prize Distribution!


Congratulations again to all the entrants. You should by now have your slaves thanks to Wallacer. Demi_morgana has sent out prizes to the top 3! In fact I have the slip to go pick up mine from the post office. Ishkur has selected the AoW mini and Ubertechie’s donation of that model has been sent already.

That leave the Canadian Supplement and the Email address left. :slight_smile:

I’ve decided on a public setting to select the winners for this. The #Albion chatroom! So tomorrow at 12 noon EST (GMT-5), click on the “Chat” link at the top of this page. There, I will do a diceroll from 1-28 ignoring rolls for either Ishkur or myself. The way we will do it is this. The first roll will be for the Supplement, and the second will be for the Email. If the winner of the first roll is on the chat, however, they may choose between the two prizes. Likewise, if the winner of the first roll is not present, but the winner of the second roll is, then he/she will be able to chose from the two!

So test out the chat now, click yes to the warning when it pops up, and give the chat room a try. Alternatively, if you can’t make it tomorrow, state your preference here for what prize you will want if you are rolled first.

If you have any questions, just ask!

Xander :cheers


Xander, i did not enter, but i’d love a CD E-Mail. Is there another way i can get one?



I will most likely be offering them as prizes in the future as well. :slight_smile:


Shouldn’t Tjub have gotten something?


All the top winners did, c/o Scibor Miniatures.


is 12 noon am or pm?



Let’s make it right now!!


I will make the draw in 30 minutes. I will be in the chat until then!


[12:03][12:03][12:03][12:03] [Xander|CDO> Hazkar [12:04] [Xander|CDO> and Swissdictator. [12:04] [GRNDL|CDO> Swiss is on CDO?? [12:04] [Swissdictator> Yeah... didn't you see the Swiss flag being carried around by the guy on the Great Tuaurs? [12:04] [Xander|CDO> Rolls of 19 and 26 will be disregarded, being Ishkur and Myself. [12:04] [Swissdictator> er Taurus [12:04] [Xander|CDO> Ok, here we go!! [12:05] [Xander|CDO> !d 28 [12:05][ChanServ> Xander|CDO: A 9 shows on the 28-sided die. [12:05] [Xander|CDO> Tarrakk Blackhand [12:05] [Xander|CDO> Is our first winner. [12:05] [GRNDL|CDO> Bah! [12:05] [Xander|CDO> One more winner to come. [12:05] [Xander|CDO> Here comes the roll. [12:05] [Xander|CDO> !d 28 [12:05] [ChanServ> Xander|CDO: A 13 shows on the 28-sided die. [12:05] [Xander|CDO> 13 - Borador [12:06]

IRC Chat in #Albion
Tarrakk Blackhand, you get your choice between the Supplement and the Email!

Borador, you will receive the remaining prize!


congratz tarrakk and borador


Aww, you editted out the Witnesses names!!


Aww, you editted out the Witnesses names!!

Modified it to include them now! :D

And I want to thank them for joining the chat!! Much obliged!


Sorry I missed it guys, I was at a gun show.

Congrats to the winners yet again.

Kera foehunter:

Well i miss both the gun show and the other thingy!!

o well congrades mr T and Borador

Tarrakk Blackhand:

ThanX guys! I wasn’t even aware I won something until I checked my PM’s.

I’ll go for the Canadian Suppliment. :smiley:

Congrats Borador!


Hurraaay!!! I was drawn second :slight_smile: Yeeey! :):):):):):slight_smile:

Grats to you to Tarrakk :cheers

Ishkur Cinderhat:

My first prize just arrived today. So now we can all rejoice together. :smiley: :cheers


Crazy how successful of a contest this was I’m still shocked by 28 entries.