[Archive] Golden Hat Gallery Up Now



We have now set up a new gallery for our flagship modelling & painting competition in a sticky thread, as part of our ongoing restoration of Chaos Dwarfs Online:

[align=center]Golden Hat Gallery[/align]

The old gallery was part of the frontpage and required both technical knowhow and huge amounts of work to update. The new gallery can be kept updated constantly with the same ease that a forum post is written with.

In the close future, we plan to set up an Artisan’s Contest Gallery for the first time ever, as well as a similar (long-planned) Hall of Fame for Scribe’s Contest.

Once the restoration is complete, we plan to archive most resources on the frontpage (but not remove them altogether!) and replace them with frontpage index links leading to all the new resource threads on the forum proper.

This endeavour was a true collaboration, with cornixt pioneering our handy index list, Jasko salvaging all contest images, and Admiral compiling the gallery itself.

Check it out! :hat off

The Staff


Great work with all of this! :hat off

Uther the unhinged:

Thank you. Just thank you.


Much better way of doing this than the old method. I really struggled for a long time keeping that updated years ago.

Great work!


Awesome work guys! :hat off

It’s really amazing to see all the great results of the Artisan Contests here! :smiley:
