[Archive] Golems like rat ogres?


Following on from the warmachines thread, where we talked about monsters and handlers, it got me wondering about these guys.

Hypothetically if they were in a list, would it be better to have them with some sort of daemonsmith crew to maintain/repair them? Fluffwise a unit of robot type machines is already pushing ‘advanced fantasy’, so showing they’re a bit unreliable might help?

It seems to work pretty well in principle with the packmasters?


sounds about right to me.


On the one hand, this is a great, fluffy idea that keeps our Iron Golems rooted firmly in steampunk as opposed to high-tech.

On the other hand, this would reduce them to M3 so that the Dwarfs could keep up.

As such, I think this is best represented on the models, and not in the rules.