We’re currently working through songs, sayings and dictionary, so now it’s time for famous quotes! This is the perfect chance to capture your army general’s (or lesser hero’s) character in some lines of text. Or perhaps you’d like to let the common footsoldier, artisan or wife be heard?
Fire away quotes in this thread if you want to!
Don’t be shy, be bold like a bull. :cheers
Kera foehunter:
Damn it Kera is the last words you ever speak…
You’ve only won the war if you win more slaves than you have lost.
Our own flesh was forged in the fires of Hashut. We are the hardest! (especially fitting for a veteran sorcerer)
Keep 'em coming!
@Kera: We’ll take it aboard, though it’s almost out-universe.
@Herby: Nice ones! It seems we’ll get to have a thread with corny between-gamers phrases.
I like those quotes, though they’re probably better for the saying list. Would you like to modify a few of them, or give them a meaning of your own, or attach some CD name to some of them? We’ll add them anyway, but I’d rather wait and let people add their own end stuff (meaning or origin of quote). I’ll add them to the list once home from work travel this week. :cheers
@Helblindi: Nice ones! They’re in the list. Would you like to add names of your own to them?
Something I say every game, when rolling for my prophets magic weapons randomness. “Oh look I rolled a 6 he will die this game I promise you.”
This comes about for the simple fact that every time I roll that power I end up taking the fatal wound myself. I really wish I could just buy the different powers as runes and not roll for a random effect that might up costing me 400pts (plus an extra 100 for general).
Herby’s Klingon-derived quotes have been added to the list of CD sayings.
We need more quotes, folks. Get at it!
Something I say every game, when rolling for my prophets magic weapons randomness. “Oh look I rolled a 6 he will die this game I promise you.”
This comes about for the simple fact that every time I roll that power I end up taking the fatal wound myself. I really wish I could just buy the different powers as runes and not roll for a random effect that might up costing me 400pts (plus an extra 100 for general).
It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.
“Dispensible? No, no. Slaves are an investment. You’ve only won a war if you obtain more slaves than you’ve lost.” High Castellan Nabhuzzhar instructing a young lieutenant.
“Our own flesh was forged in the fires of Hashut. We are the hardest!”
Last warcry of Sorcerer-Prophet Abrizhoatt, who is now his own statue in the Fortress of Zhikhrit.
Does that sound pausible, fluff-wise? I’m making up names and places somewhere around Zorn Uzkul.
"Dispensible? No, no. Slaves are an investment. You've only won a war if you obtain more slaves than you've lost." High Castellan Nabhuzzhar instructing a young lieutenant.
"Our own flesh was forged in the fires of Hashut. We are the hardest!"
Last warcry of Sorcerer-Prophet Abrizhoatt, who is now his own statue in the Fortress of Zhikhrit.
Does that sound pausible, fluff-wise? I'm making up names and places somewhere around Zorn Uzkul.
It doesn't only sound plausible, it sounds cool. :hat off
When I write up army lists for tournaments, I usually write a couple little “quotes” about the unit in particular. Not sure if this is what you’re looking for though.
(Sorceror Prophet, Izdubaar, the Pale. Riding Bilgaames the Lamassu)
�?oIt�?Ts leering face chattered and cackled as it flew overhead. The air ruptured and seethed where it flew, and I saw Captain Peregrin fall down and cry as he stared at it. An impassive statue, the abominations cruel master looked down upon us, and there was nothing but steel, shadow and blood.�?� - Dr. Waterhise, Gunnery Engineer attached to the 3rd Averlander Halberdier Corp
(Infernal Castellan, Harbinger Enkiir)
�?oA stampede of iron and flesh, and he rode at their head. And we knew death had come.�?� - Lt. Hathet, of the Lithwegen Mercenary Company �?" Eastern Chapter
(Infernal Guard)
�?oGrungni shit on em! Abortions, blasphemers! Their mothers should�?Tve strangled �?~em when they had the chance. Bah, more daemon than Dwarf, now. The whore-sons fight like both, though.�?� - Snarri Axebeard, Thane of Karaz a Karak
(Bull Centaurs)
�?oI am his steel. I am his breath. I am his flesh. Through me, the All-Father is manifest. Praise to Hashut! Glory to the Father of Darkness!�?� - Bull Centaur chant at the door to the Temple of Hashut
�?oWe iz quiet, see. We�?Tz quiet, and we�?Tz fast. We�?Tz quiet, and we�?Tz fast, and then we cuts you. We�?Tz quiet, we�?Tz fast, and after we cuts you, we gives you to da bosses. After dat, we gets rewards.�?� - Morsnik Backbiter
(Daemon Engines)
�?oUnbind me, Dwarf. You can�?Tt imagine what I will do to you if I ever get out of this steel tomb. It is in your best interest to simply release me. Release me! Please, release me. We can make a deal!�?� - Kr�?Tchakan, bound by Daemonsmith Arikaaz Furnacekeeper
Great stuff khedyarl. I don’t know if its what admiral is after but I like it.
Wolf :
Before I start a game I usually say to my opponant.
"Today we play the game of pain"
It cracks the ice and then I smash them underneath the all-fathers hell fire.
Good stuff, folks. Keep it coming!
@khedyarl: That deserves some slaves! Very nice. CDs are often best seen from outside, where they are at their most mysterious. Most of those quotes will go into the section Foreign Quotes About Chaos Dwarfs. That’s open for business as well!
However, the Bull Centaur chant will have to wait a little before being added to any list, since I plan to set up a CD chant and prayer thread as well.
@torn: It sure is. :cheers
@Wolf: That works in-universe, too. Thanks! Would you like to add your general’s name and title to the quote?
Wolf :
@Admiral - thanks, the malevolent leader of my army is the dreaded Zhudhak Ironbull, who famed for riding into battle on Dawi Zharr’s most fierce Bale Taurus - Cacus the fire breathing giant.
Wolf :
Great another one is my daemonsmiths saying.
“The most favored preys are those made with tears and blood”.
Gharbhak Burnttongue - Deamonsmith to Zhudhak Ironbull.
Excellent, it’s on as well! Keep 'em coming.
Wolf :
@Admiral: Barzh Harsh-hammer Dark Castellan to Sorcerer Prophet Zhudhak Ironbull
Famous quote to his men at the eve of battle against the witches of Cathay.
“The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of all those who we face on the battlefield, but because of me.”
Haha, nice one. It’s on. Don’t be shy to add more quotes. :cheers
Wolf :
Zhudhak Ironbull orders to the crew of the Warmachines, at the defense of Blood River pass.
“Keep your faith in Hashut, but keep your black powder dry.”
General Zlobgoth Ashbringer’s motivation speak before the battle:
“We rise in a tide of blood and iron,that will wash over this world!Our bound is iron,our will unbreakable! Who will stand against us?”