[Archive] Gothenburg 2.0 ,9th Jan

Tyranoth The Ashen:

So Now they want a complete war with evrything we got. So I will not make them disappointed. After the war is over, we shall feast all night long in the dark lands, for our lord and savior survived the end times and we shall show them we did so as well.

I’m going to bring me:
Drazhoath the Ashen

3x Deamonsmiths
20x Ironsworns
30x Fireglaves
120x Goblins

Yes that’s right. 120 Goblins. I don’t care how many dies, they are slaves, cannon fodder.

2x magma cannons
Dreadquake mortar
Iron deamon war engine

12x K’daai Fireborns
1 Red taurus (Warrior of Chaos)

K’daai destroyer if we can relly call it that, meh atleast we got rid of the old Burning bright thoughness test on all K’daai’s
I’m going to put the tables on fire in the name of Hashut. Wish me luck my fellow Sorcerer-Prophets. I will make you all proud and show them what the Dawi-Zharr is capable of.

Oh and if you want slaves, just inform me so can bring you some.



Some mighty stomping might be going on very, very soon!

Slaves, why not, yes please!!!

And if they won’t get out of the way, run OVER those gobbos!!!:slight_smile: