puppet gathering:
i am wondering what people think of the great taurus and is it worth its points? or does it do its job? so all comments welcome, and please no flame wars between people:hashut
puppet gathering:
i am wondering what people think of the great taurus and is it worth its points? or does it do its job? so all comments welcome, and please no flame wars between people:hashut
Ishkur Cinderhat:
Absolutely worth every point. I would never go to a battle without mine.
zorn sabretooth:
yes a chaos dwarf lord on it has 8 attacks!!!
Throw in Black Hammer of Hashut They are 8 St6 attacks too. It’s very nasty.
I love the look on my opponents face when I have flanked or rear charged them and I’ve killed enough guys to prevent counter attacks. It’s even more amusing to do to a unit with Great weapons… I have pinned Greatswords for quite a while that way… long enough for my warrior unit to slam right into the front after the Greatswords had been… reduced… in numbers quite considerably.
Plus if used in concert with an Earthshaker or two… it is evil! Terror checks can also be fun in some situations too.
worth every point, but 8 attacks? CD lord has A3, or am I wrong? should be 7 S6 attacks with Hammer of Hashut…
worth every point, but 8 attacks? CD lord has A3, or am I wrong? should be 7 S6 attacks with Hammer of Hashut...A Chaos Dwarf Lord has 4 attacks.
Ishkur Cinderhat:
I guess Zorn just added the Taurus’ attacks in his calculation
Its very nice, although I do find the lack of an armour save on the taurus a little annoying. It is noticeably more expensive than a Griffon for example, but I suppose it is S6. Breath attack is handy too.
A Taurus down the flank supporting a unit of Bull Centaurs and Wolf Riders is worth it every time :cheers
Father Grumpmas:
Its very nice, although I do find the lack of an armour save on the taurus a little annoying. It is noticeably more expensive than a Griffon for example, but I suppose it is S6. Breath attack is handy too.Taurus has a 4+ save - in fact it doesn't specifically say if it is an amour save (which of course it will be) or a ward save - could have some fun arguements with that one :idea
dammit, youre right! I must have used my taurus about fifty times, and always thought the lord had only 3 attacks…hmpf!
arg my mistake… how annoying
All those times, I should have had a 4+ save.
yer, that 4+ save is quite awesome:) can’t believe you missed it
Yes they are quit worth it.
Da Crusha:
I like to use it every game too. I feel like it really gives my army some…