[Archive] Hashut and other races?


And also, it is not likely in my opinion that Hashut is Khorne at all. Rather to me it seems that the 4 main chaos gods are not exactly "entities" as such but rather the most prominent collections of emotions or desires that accumulate in the whole of Chaos: War/hatred, desire for change/knowledge, fear/fear of death, and lust/greed, and I think Hashut falls close between Khorne and Tzeentch. The war-like nature and industrial drive of the chaos dwarfs coupled with the prophets search for knowledge and power; it just makes the most sense to me, but I don't think chaos is nearly that simple.

I like this view. I might borrow it if I start collecting an army of warriors of chaos to ally with my chaos dwarfs.

Ugly Green Trog:

Hi guys!

I recommend this


Liber Chaotica: Hashut by The Magician Technician Grimstonefire

Read it. It's worth it.
I read through it several times. It's a fantastic work for everyone who wants to know more about the origins of Hashut.

Greetings :hat off

Yeah Herby this is the article I remembered but couldnt think who wrote it. Well done Grimstonefire :). It represents for mw by far the most logical and interesting version of who/what Hashut is/was and where he came from.