[Archive] Hashut and Skarbrand "The Exiled" to have same problem with god Khorne


Hashut and Skarbrand “The Exiled” to betray to god Khorne, but… Who of the two to have the punishment more hard, Hashut or Skarbrand ?



That’s a very dubious one to answer, as it depends which fluff you believe… I went for Skarbrand as we know for a fact how much he’s been punished.

Hashut’s Blessing:

As GSF has said, it depends what fluff you believe in because Hashut isn;t necessarily a fallen Greater Daemon of Khorne turned God. I’m going to say Skarbrand because, again as GSF has said, we know how much he was punished AND we know he was definitely punished.


As I recall, the piece of “fluff” that pointed to Hashut being Khornate was a passage rejected from a WFRP book.


I beliebe Hashut but I don’t sure.

Hashut must ensconce oneself in a den. I think it was a very disastrous time and he must be pay a terrible price of his life. But it’s fife was fatal. He is a prisoner chaosdwarf-lord of the world. That it sin against Khorne was silly and he obtained a very bear fine.

PS. But everybody know that the life isn’t all beer and skittles.


As I recall, the piece of "fluff" that pointed to Hashut being Khornate was a passage rejected from a WFRP book.



I don´t know Skarbrand … :frowning:

Where can I find some fluff? :slight_smile:



I beliebe Hashut but I don't sure.
Hashut must ensconce oneself in a den. I think it was a very disastrous time and he must be pay a terrible price of his life. But it's fife was fatal. He is a prisoner chaosdwarf-lord of the world. That it sin against Khorne was silly and he obtained a very bear fine.

PS. But everybody know that the life isn't all beer and skittles.

I'm sorry, only the last line made any sense to me.

Since Hashut has never been said to have done anything in published fluff, I'm not sure the poll is useful.


Skarbrand is in the new Daemons army books, and upstart bloodthirster who fell prey to the whispers of Tzeentch, listening to his praises began to think himself better than Khorne and attempted a coup. Ultimately Khorne defeated Skarbrand tossing him from mountains subsequently tearing up Skar’s wings in the process.

Now Skarbrand is attempting to “redeem” himself in the cursed servitude of Khorne… from what i remember.

I would venture to say Hashut got the worse end in terms of punishment, beign truely exiled and or enprisoned. The fact that Hashut has meeked out a following among the Dawi Zharr is just a testament to his greater potential.

Skarbrand is still around doing Khorne’s bidding in a more fervored fashion… so obiviously not so great a real threat to Khorne himself. Where as Hashut was actually banished/enprisoned nary to be heard from again… until rediscovered by the chaos dwarfs.

But like many have stated it really depends on the fluff you follow. As cd’s dont exist currently in any substaintial form for 7th edition, then the only true choice would be Skarsbrand.


@ apocalypstia: Thanx for the info! :hat off



I'm sorry, only the last line made any sense to me.
I test a new translation program! I develop it momentarily. (but this was Yahoo)


That's a very dubious one to answer, as it depends which fluff you believe... 

I imagine to Hashut how one Bloodthirster bearded, stout and armed with one great hammer that betray to Khorne. The god Khorne, furious, to lock up to Hashut in one mountain, until that the Chaos Dwarfs to release.



With a little work this would go a long was as Skarbrand

Kera foehunter:

Who cares there gods !! let them kill each other, if they where bad asses there only be one!!



I’d make it a poll between Skarbrand and Xathrodox from the WRP campaign, who was imprisoned within three artifacts because he displeased Khorne.

But of these, it is Skarbrand.

Ishkur Cinderhat:

I voted for Skarbrand because we know he was really punished in a hard way by Khorne while for Hashut it’s not all that clear. I would even say that Hashut was not punished but sent to the mortal realm to watch over the Chaos Dwarfs and turn them into the master race of the Old World muhaha! :hat

Kera foehunter:

now if you want a proper god here you go


Has there actualy been any information about hashut being related to khorne?

Hashut’s Blessing:

None that’s official to my knowledge.

Godbob and his jolly rogers:

None that's official to my knowledge.

Hashut's Blessing
What so were just guessing that Hashut got a spanking for Khorn?

Well thats no good