Anyone can offer ideas or point me towards a good thread for Bull Centaurs?:cheers
Anyone can offer ideas or point me towards a good thread for Bull Centaurs?:cheers
Kera foehunter:
here are some maybe this can help
Hashut’s Blessing:
Good place to show some bull centaurs. I quite like Kera’s method of making them, which is to use gor/ungor legs with some greenstuff between to form the body. I bought some gor bodies for less than £5 on eBay for this very reason.
Thanks, everyones look great but I was hoping to make mine bigger…
back to the workbench then…
Kera foehunter:
well im working on 3 new ones that bigger !
to put as raiders!! i use the regular bottom of the bc and used the black orc chest with ogre head and arms is that kinda the size ??
i think some one else did that here before me !!
i just can’t remeber
Hashut’s Blessing:
I’ve seen some being made from cold ones and ogres and some from cold ones and dwarfs, but that goes down a non-bull look.