[Archive] High Priest IN Big Squig - Painted


It is my first paint, for a long long time, without “dipping”…

Critical comments and advice are welcome.

But be gentle :wink:

So… here it is :


Nice, strange, cool, unique idea/mini!

Quite good paint job and also the colour scheme is ok and not so glossy! :wink:

One point of criticism is that the beard of the CD sems to have the same colour as the claws of the “Mega-Squig”, that´s (IMO) not ideal!

The other one is that the base is too colourful IMO a much darker base would be more consistent!

But otherwise real cool work! :hat off



hihi. nice one! reminds me of the funny tanker squig for the herder in Warhammer online;) Let´s hope the Squig won`t swallow:sick


The other one is that the base is too colourful IMO a much darker base would be more consistent!

I will try do much darker :)


AWESOME squig sculpt mate :cheers

On the other hand I can’t shake the feeling that the priest looks like he’s being eaten rather than hitching a lift


Poor guy, that can’t be a fun ride.

Interesting concept.

Ishkur Cinderhat:

Curiously reminds me of the 80’s “Invaders from Mars”. They also had a big appetite. :smiley:


Dude that is cool. Poor chaos dwarf…


hehe :slight_smile: I don’t know that Squigs live on Mars :slight_smile:

Poor CD? There it is warm and safe. Well a little wet but it is very fast :wink:

Kera foehunter:

lol be gental!! i like your work and you do great green stuffand nice painting

hows that  * wink *