Alright, since ive used all my cool hobbo’s to make my ‘elite’ unit of them (Sad… ehh?), i need advice on how to make the BFSP Champion with a sword into a Hobbo hero… any advice?
Alright, since ive used all my cool hobbo’s to make my ‘elite’ unit of them (Sad… ehh?), i need advice on how to make the BFSP Champion with a sword into a Hobbo hero… any advice?
what’s the style of your hobbos?
then i maybe can help you.
try making him mor muskular and remove his hood, or give him a backpack with swords, guns and mulitated body parts sticking out.
put some mechanical equippment on him, give him a diffrent paintjob, or a huge weapon. (classic)
thats a few ideas
Kera foehunter:
I would use a chaos maurather body and put a goblin face on him !!
ohhhh a steroid pumped hobgoblin would be cool !!!
unless we are going to drug testing are guys lol
You can give your Hobgoblin hero more elaborate clothing, a unique weapon, a mask if the others don’t have one… just make the hero look truly unique and heroic/villainous.
I’d advise ditching the idea altogether unless the rest of your hobbos are vertically challenged. Stretching out those single-part midgets has been my most painful modeling experience since trying to make the cow-catcher on my Daemon Engine stick.
Plague Monks, on the other hand, are your friend… and making a cool hero out of one of them should be easy. Might even use the Monk standard top as a hand puppet, if I were you…
why don’t you try and apply xander’s videos to your hero but just ‘tweak’ him a little