[Archive] Hobgoblin Army War Scroll (Oglah and Ghazak Khan)


Hey everybody. I tried my hand at making new rules for AoS for my Oglah Khan’s Wolfboyz and Ghazak Khan. Let me know what you think![attachment=4825]

Thommy H:

Ummmm…not sure this is all your work. That or there are some remarkable coincidences with equipment names and such!


Ummmm...not sure this is all your work. That or there are some remarkable coincidences with equipment names and such!

Thommy H
I did not mean to say this was all original ideas on my part. This is my interpretation of what the old units would look like if moved to the new AoS system. I wish we could get something "official" like this from GW. Sorry for the confusion.

Thommy H:

No, I mean…you based these on the ones I did, right? Because all the equipment has the same names - and I mean, like, “hob bows”, “git-pokas”, etc.


No, I mean...you based these on the ones I did, right? Because all the equipment has the same names - and I mean, like, "hob bows", "git-pokas", etc.

Thommy H
Oh, I see what you mean. Yes, I took the Chaos Dwarfs AoS that was posted here and used that (as well as Mattias' older Hobgoblins Army Book for 8th Ed) as a reference for these. I didn't realize this was considered 'bad form', if anything, I'm grateful for you giving the community your take on what Chaos Dwarfs might look like in AoS. If I over-stepped here, I apologize. I will remove this and re-name anything that is yours, if you like.

Thommy H:

No, it’s fine - just give me a shout out or something when you post it!

Also, I’ve actually statted both these units up in my Dogs of War Compendium.


Thanks for contributing.

The cards look right. Haven’t played AoS and I’m not going too. But I still love seeing stuff added to the community.