[Archive] How much do I loathe them? You tell me!


Reminder Contest ends on Saturday, November 1st.

Godbob and his jolly rogers:

I to do not want the hats but it’s a laugh so here how it goes

One day a young Willmark was walking down the road when he met a fortune teller.He asked her to tell him his fortune but she replyed ‘only if you make a hat like this one’ she show’d him the hat it was on a beautiful modal called a CD only thing that was bad was the hat it was wearing.

So the young Willmark set of and after an hour of thinking he gave up and insted stole the CD from the fortune teller and she set a curse on him.

‘Young Willmark will never like hats again’

She said and that is the end of the story :slight_smile:


let me tell you a story about love, hate, murder most foul and a hat. You see one day some time ago there was this lad we shall call Willmark. Willmark, based on my stalking infomration, was from the states and was not a soldier but has a soul. Anyways Willmark has a dark secret, a profound hatred of hats. To understand this you need to look at the psycological profile of Willmark. You see his avatar has a dwarf with a flaming sword therefore you can say he likes fire. Now hats burn which seems to support he would love the big hats; HOWEVER, you need to take in mind that back in world war 2 that hats where made of lemons.

you see back than people had the brilliant idea that the sweet smell of a lemon (since lemon was the sweetest fruit) would ward off zombies created on the battlefield. It all started when the Canadian government realized that by creating long winters of bordom they could create zombies. You see winters in Canada at this time didn’t last just 1 or 2 months but like half a year from hactember to may. hectember was a funny month named after the short god hashut who after being murdered by a major corporations of untypeable evil. If you kill a god you get to change or remove a random month, it was a way to promote thinking and sharing. So to understand why Willmark hates hats you just need to understand he is allergic to lemons so has promoted a portion of his life to erradicate all hats on earth!!!



My entry; enjoy:

It was extremely dark. So dark that no could see, well, really anything, save the focused light in front of them. It was loud, too, very loud. No one could hear anything except for the noise that overpowered most any whisper. This is where Willmark found himself in his youth, quite some time ago. I am, of course, referring to a movie theatre.

Willmark was in the 9th row, quite alone, watching a movie that he cannot recall, save for the fact that it was indeed one of worst films he had viewed in his lifetime. He wished with his entirety that he had chosen to see a Star Wars film for the umpteenth time, or take the offer his friends has proposed to go hang out somewhere else. Alas, Willmark has chosen to watch ‘Poop from the 4th Dimension,’ based on the excellent reviews he had read. And because he had paid for it, Willmark was going to watch it.

Things got worse as a short, plump fellow with a long, curly beard and a ridiculously massive hat came in and plopped himself down in the seat in front of Willmark’s. There were plenty of other seats open, and Willmark was slightly offended and angered by the fact that this man had chosen to sit in front of him. He let it go for the time being, as his hat was blocking the film, but after a while, it was getting slightly annoying. Willmark tapped the man on the shoulder.

“Excuse me,” he said, “but you know you got a big ol’ hat, right? It’s blocking my view.”

“I don’t care,” the man replied.

“Well, I was here first, and I would appreciate it if you would either take off the hat or move,” said Willmark. The short man punched him in the face. Willmark was temporarily stunned, but not down. He returned a blow, but the plump man was even less phased than he was. Willmark prepared a kick, but the man grabbed his arm and bit it. Blood was drawn. Willmark kicked the man furiously in the face. Somewhere the the fray, his hat toppled off his head, and the man finally fled, crying and peeing his pants. Willmark picked up the hat, and threw it after him, crying, "And take your darn hat!"

That experience alone has caused Willmark to hate large hats. He is even a little wary of baseball caps!


Swissy… that wasn’t 1 to 2 paragraphs. that was a novella. :stuck_out_tongue:


Swissy... that wasn't 1 to 2 paragraphs. that was a novella. :P

I thought Iread 12, yeah... that's the ticket.. even though I was two over. :o

First time anyone ever called me Swissy...


Don’t mind her she’s just gearing up for the third issue of the Word of Hashut.

zorn sabretooth:

damn i could of involved Tom Landry in mine


Is this contest still ending tommorrow?


Yep. We’ll say end of the day Saturday, so 11:59 EST.

Kera foehunter:

well i don’t want them willmark ! i will not take them even if i can ! i tryed to grab them if i can, but it hard since i have a hook instead of a hand!!

i will not trade green eggs and ham i don’t want them willmark man!!

not on a bus! not even if i cuss

i don’t want the tall hat !! not even if you steal my cats!!

so if you get a chance tomarrow morn just give them darn things to sojourn!!!

and if she don’t want them and if you can just give them to to her boyfriend xander man!! well it getting late watch out!!! there’,s hb eating cake!!

well if you think i can win ,them willmark could you give me them!!!

i could use them on a bull centaur, or put them on a cd in a car

so i could use them and i hope they look good on cd in a boat

so willmark i like them so send them my way

so come on old buddy what do you say

im in now !!!



Ok Contest is now closed.

Here is the link for voting thread https://discourse.chaos-dwarfs.com/t/9188