[Archive] How much do I loathe them? You tell me!


As the title reads, but what is the subject matter? look for yourself:

Now for the fun part: I’m giving these away, that’s right I don’t even want them or the money associated with them, that’s how much I loathe hats!

So here is what will happen. In order to win them I’m running a mini contest, the winner gets the hats, I’ll even pay for the shipping to get them out of my sight.

So here is the contest:

Write a paragraph or two chronicling my dislike of hats. The scene can be imaginary, a funny scene, the reasons why I loathe them, the reason for my hate of them-real or imagined, a Letterman-esque Top 10, how I view them, how you you think I actually talk have an inner monologue about them, make it in the 3rd person, 1st person, you name it, etc… Go wild. Perhaps its a joke about hats, what have you, either way just make it fun.

If you want to draw something I’m fine with that to. In any event  funniest three stories/and or art will make it to a poll that I’ll post.

Lets say two weeks to enter your submission.

Get cracking and make it good, these four poor, defenseless little hat’s fates are in your hands, MMMMMMWWWWWAAAAAHHAAAAAAA!


One day while Wilmark was still a college student, his friends called him up and invited him over to a wonderfully fun evening. Now, as Willmark is so ancient the sands of time call him “Pappy” the only thing to do at this time was bowling. So he and his friends headed down to the village bowling alley, which at this time involved stones the size of barstool.

To make the game more entertaining, these pins were artistically designed, with simple shapes usually in the form of lines jutting randomly. As the artisans were primitive, and unable to get a nice round smooth carving they used skulls for the top. The rules were also different, due to the sheer mass of the “pins” the goal was to knock the skull off.

Now Willmark had never gone bowling for, so he was unsure of what to expect. His friend, One Eyed Tigh, stepped up and made his attempt. He threw a perfect curve ball that caused the ball to ricochet between the pins breaking nine skulls. One Eyed Tigh took his second swing and shattered the second skull. A young pimple faced teenager came out and cleaned up the skull remains, and tossed them in a trash bin. The trash bin was decorated with a skull with lines emitting beneath it… indicating “Skulls go here”.

Now one thing that needs to be told is that Willmark and One Eyed Tigh were interested in the same girl. She was a bowling fanatic, afterall she had recommended the activity. So Willmark grinned, he had both his eyes so his sight was keen. He threw the ball, and it bounced right off the pin and smacked him in the nose! Now this made him bleed, but he was determined to show he was more of a man. So despite the blood, and the fact he was kinda seeing double he threw the ball again. This time the ball bounced off the pin, smashed into stonehenge causing most of it to collapse, and smashed into his face again.

At this point, they decided to take a break. Willmark rented a mask, at the demand of the owner of the bowling alley. It fit very nicely, and it allowed him to stop worrying about maintaining a poker face. After a couple falafels they went back to their game.

The girl stepped up and make a perfect ten on the first throw! She grinned and jumped up and down clapping, very excited as she had never opened a game with a perfect ten before. One Eyed Tigh walked up, gave a wink to the girl and threw his ball. This ball smashed eight, and actually knocked one down into another pin resulting in a perfect ten! On Willmark’s turn, he only smashed four.

Slowly Willmark felt the hatred and anger burning in him, and he waited for his next turn. He reached into the depths of his soul and unleashed the ball with all the anger that had been building up at those annoying pins. He completely annihilated the pin… buts the skulls thumped harmlessly on the ground. They remained in perfect condition.

At this point, the owner of the alley was enfuriated. An occasional smashed bin or two was not unusual, let alone minor damage to them. However an entire lane having its pins destroyed was intolerable. He charged forth to drag Willmark out of the alley, but Willmark on an adrenaline high and wanting to show how manly he was… fought with the owner. However, as the owner regularly wrestled with the titans, the fight did not go well for Willmark. The girl turned to One Eyed Tigh as she was horrified by what Willmark was doing. In the end, Willmark was badly injured. The next day, when he showed up to his “four elements of nature” class, he so horrified the class (including the girl) he was shamed into wearing a full body suit the rest of his eternal life.

Interestingly enough, an unusual jab to the spleen and liver made him immortal. In the early 1990s AD, when Willmark discovered the wonderous joy of Warhammer, he fell in love with the Chaos Dwarfs as they were tough evil creatures who were as reclusive as he was beneath his suit (now nicknamed Darth Suit). Interestingly enough, One Eyed Tigh had become immortal and constantly plotted against Willmark, as the girl ended up ignoring both of them due to the trauma the event caused. One Eyed Tigh learned of Willmark’s new found loved and plotted to foil this love yet again.

Slowly One Eyed Tigh became a puppet master at Games Workshop, operating under several different names and disguises. He decided to torment Willmark, using the designs of the pins as giant hats for Willmark’s beloved army. To further torment Willmark, One Eyed Tigh also used the design from the bin in which the skulls One Eyed Tigh had shattered had quickly filled.

One day Willmark was skipping happily down to the local game store, his black robes billowing behind them like a flag in a parade. He was finally becoming a happy person. His grin practically beamed through the dark and grim mask with which he hid his face. Perhaps he might even have plastic surgery and abandon his evil suit, though being called Darth was mildly amusing. He walked in, excited at the idea of new Chaos Dwarfs. When he came to aisle where the little balls of spite usually were placed he shrieked with horror, shattering the windows. Those hats! Those hideous hats! The Horror! The wretched evil horror! He shrieked again, causing the person looking at the wood elves to fall over dead from the kinetic energy.

The owner of the store was enraged, not only had Willmark shattered the windows, his shrieking had killed his best friend who played Wood Elves. The owner kicked a stunned and weeping Willmark onto the curve. He then called Games Workshop and told them of the reaction. Games Workshop, hearing tales of gamers reacting horrified to Chaos Dwarfs became convinced the players hated the Big Hats. However it was really Willmark wondering around trying to get the old Chaos Dwarfs and reacting the same way every time, ironically killing lots of Wood Elf and Squats players.

In the end, with the stories of horrified reactions to the Big Hats reaching Games Workshop, they abandoned the whole army. This was the final blow to Willmark, who retreated to a cave for years, where he slowly came up with the plan of bringing back his love of Chaos Dwarfs, and the Internet would be his Death Star. As an interesting side note, Willmark killed nearly every Squat player, leading to that army being dropped as well.

Soon, Willmark’s day of vengence would come, and he would banish One Eyed Tigh (who had sold himself to Demons) to the depths of Wisconsin from which he came!

Hashut’s Blessing:

Soon :wink: I will write it up later…


Hehehehhe, I smell a plan afoot.

/goes to his writing workshop, climbs the 10 ft tall desk and puts quill to parchment.

Kera foehunter:

well  i don’t want the hats !!  i will take there boots  so that i can kick your butt !!

end of story!! short and sweet with a happy ending


So Many hat-haters… I for one love the big hats I like the Bell shaped ones better than the tear drop ones though.

Hashut’s Blessing:

Clthomps, I love the hats too, hence why I’m entering the competition to win some :wink:


So Many hat-haters..... I for one love the big hats I like the Bell shaped ones better than the tear drop ones though.


zorn sabretooth:

One day a young Willmark was walking thourgh his local neighbourhood when he was set upon by a gang of rogues. Willmark fought valiantly but his WS was not high enough and due to drinking of too much mead the night before, his Iniative was 0.

Willmark was angry, so he set out on a trip to Louisana.

he found his answers from the Great shaman Joe the plumber who gifted the young warrior with a powerful spell, unfortanely before Willmark left the steaming Bayous, the shaman forget to tell him about the 12+ casting roll.

Willmark arrived back in his neighbourhood backed up by Young John Mccain, a level 10 bard and Ghengis Khan, a level 15 warrior when the young footpads attacked again Willmark tried to cast the spell DOUBLE 1’S John rolled on the miscast table he got “you will be cursed to pick an airhead for vice” Ghengis rolled he got “you will be the greatest conqueror ever” and Willmark got “you will never look good in a hat”. Willmark proceeded to betray his friends and was horribly burnt in the final battle. his burnt body was found by the Evil Emperor Richard “tricky Dicky” Nixon and that was how we have the more man than machine Willmark we have today…

Thane Godri GoblinSlayer:

So Many hat-haters..... I for one love the big hats

My brother, the others are herectic hat haters who do not see the greatness in the hats. Call the big hat inquisition! :hat:hat:hat



I am respecting the hat… I’m giving them a chance to go to someone, rather then end of at the bottom of a bits box for all eternity…


I am respecting the hat... I'm giving them a chance to go to someone rose rather then end of at the bottom of a bits box for all eternity..

Exactly why I submitted a funny story. :) I'd be happy to give them a nice home. :hat off

Besides, Hashut needs a good laugh... as being reminded High Elves are an army is only funny for so long. ;)


Oh how hats hate thee I! I mean, Oh how I hats thee hate! Errrrrr thats not correct… Oh hats how I hate thee! Yes thats the one! But why, why do I hate thee, laothe thee despise thee, want to rip thee into shreads, watch fire consume thee whilst I cackle and laugh as thy annoying little felt substance burst into the most glorifying ash! Praise Hashut as I plunge a knife into your soft materiels and rip out your insides in his most glorious name! Wait… where was I? Ahh yes reasons reasons hate isn’t worth squat without reasons after all… he-he-he-he!!!

Ahem, reason number one: My hat must in now way resemble a beer mug, just because my filthy cousins like the stuff(as do I) does not mean I wish to wear one on my head… espeically not before I get drunk…(compare: :cheers :hat) Reason number two: My hat should not also function as a seat, chairs are for sitting not for headware and no, I don’t care how convinent it is! Reason number three(yeah three): Felt/cloth(seriously what is this made of… humans? Human skin certianly isn’t going to keep me safe. I mean how did we get it off in the first place?) is not going to keep my head intact, repeat the matra three times: felt/cloth is not going to keep my head intact, felt/cloth is not going to keep my head intact, felt/cloth is not going to keep my head intact. Reason number four: Even if I gain political power via hat, I will not wear it as armour in battle, a helmet will do rather nicely and might actually, ya know, stop me from getting brains on the floor. Reason number five: No, traffic cones are not a better hat design then a chair, if anything it’s worse(seriously… why else is a dunce hat nearly the exact same shape? Do I look like a dunce to you!!! Wait… don’t answer that.) Reason number six: Just becasue I’m evil does not mean I need to dress myself in more then one(and perhaps even gasp none!) skull(and why is it on top of my hat? I mean if I want to look like something scar

Hashut’s Blessing:

Okay: 1-2 paragraphs? I’ll see what I can do.

The mighty Chaos dwarf Sithlord Willmark the Dark was once strong and powerful, not only in the Force, but also of mind and body. As his strength and will deteriorated, he continued to attempt to recreate youthfluness, copying the antics of students, the world over. One such fateful night led to many a drink, one thing he can still manage through his cheese-grater breathmask. As a Chaos dwarf, it was a copious amount of brew and it led him to believe he was as strong as he always was, so he found the nearest object that he thought to be a traffic cone and placed it upon his head. His spine could not take the awesome pressure of such an object and it snapped in twain; his vision blurred, the floor rushed and his eyes fell into darkness. He awoke within a white sphere, a black casing falling slowly to cover his head. As he came round and studied what was in the small area, he found himself in the darkest suit of leather armour and saw what he’d once believed to be a cone. He screamed with anger and hatred, pure vexation dying within the echoes of his rage in the confined space. A ripple of pure nightshade fled throughout the Force, a mighty Master known as Hashut’s Blessing, saying to his apprentices, "Disturbance in the Force, I feel. Grave danger, we are in."

For the Dark Lord had awoken and vowed he would have his vengeance upon the blighted item and all of its kin. His body was limited in what it could do at first, so he practiced the mysterious abilities that were natural within his veins and lifeforce. Soon, he was the most powerful of all and began to lead his vendetta, recruiting many to aid him and speed up the extinction of his hated foe. This led on for many years, a war waged against the race that created his injuries, led by Master Hashut’s Blessing, who was quoted as saying, “Begun, the Hats War has.”


I notice a lot of these involve me drinking beer. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Hashut’s Blessing:

Because there is nothing wrong with it, that is why ya did. I also guessed you prefer beer to cider :wink: not that I specified beer :wink:


Leaves more Strongbow for me :slight_smile:


I notice a lot of these involve me drinking beer. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Well I specified a shape(hey I don't drink and nor do most of the people I know), so sorry if it offended you.......


I notice a lot of these involve me drinking beer. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Well I specified a shape(hey I don't drink and nor do most of the people I know), so sorry if it offended you.......

Nope not offended at all good job.

Hashut’s Blessing:

Only 9 days to go :wink: