I have returned back from the light of the holy emperor (actually not quite, I am still there).
I have recently began to sorta, finish up with my Plastic Eldar => Sisters of Battle army.
I am now back to the Dark God Hashut and am now ready to put the resources into building a chaos dwarf army. With my recent purchase of 12 dwarf warriors, 10 blunderbuss, 8 miners, and 5 grudge carts for the pony, and the dwarf commander and slayer fig, and the cannon and crew, from my good old friend, ebay.
I plan on making at least 5 bull centaurs, and well 12 warriors, 10 blunderbuss, 8 immortals (i think thats what they are called) and use the one crew with cannonball to make a sorc, and have 1 warrior hero.
For making a simple 250-500 point list, what should I include to learn how to use the Chaos Dwarves?
Is there any good about doing an all chaos dwarf army, with no hobgoblins? I am just wondering cause personally I am more into the whole chaos shtuff, not to much into hobgoblins, but i can see how they would be helpful.
Well, we hobgoblins don’t want to be in your army either! (j/k)
There isn’t any reason at all you’d need to use Hobgoblins. Your army would be stronger with cheap cannon fodder, long range shooting and the ability to flank… but you could make a shooty army using tanky warriors as your screen. Not as effective against strong attacks, but probably won’t hurt you against weak ones.
If you’re planning to use the CD list, then I would say Hobgobs are too good to pass up really. If you want to do pure CDs then I would suggest using the Dwarf list?
Basically there are 3 ways to take hobgoblins on foot
1: naked * 20 - great as a bait unit, a meat shield, a flanker, or to go after fast cav, missile troops and warmachines - all for 40 points
2: With Bows * 10 - possibly the best point for point bow armed troops in the game - yes they are only BS3 but they don’t cause panic to our important units and they still hit as hard as high-elf bowmen for half the cost
3: With Light Armour, Shield and full command * 25 = 120 points - basically a cheap line unit with static combat res of 5 and a 4+ save in combat for half the cost of a full Chaos Dwarf Warrior unit - some people love them - personally i never use them but to each his own.
I always take 3 units of 20 naked hobgoblins and more often than not 2 units of 10 with bows - that’s 80 hobgoblins for 160 points. I don’t think my army would be anywhere near as a effective as it is without them - people concentrate a lot of effort on them which is fine by me as it means my Dwarfs and Bull Centaurs can go about their business
2 units of naked hobgoblins with a musician is a good start. I like the musician especially with a general near by. Means they will almost always auto rally, which can be important late game when you need some table quarters.
I’m not completely sold on the archers. The army usually already has enough shooting, I’d rather take another unit of 20 naked hobgoblins over 20 archers.
I respectfully disagree with Time of Madness. I think Hobgob archers are a great addition to any Chaos Dwarf army.
Against monster, smaller cav units (especially light cav who don’t have much armor) the volume of shots can make up for the ‘template=like’ limited shots of Blunderbuss.
Against monsters you might not wound much, but will have numbers balancing it out (and if they’re a large target… you’re probably shooting no worse then the blunderbuss or even better if they’re close range). I’d rather have 5-6 chances at a 6 then one chance at a 5 (assuming T6).
Ogres: I’d fire Blunderbuss first then archers. The T4 reduces effectiveness, but if they’re taking 3 strong units… then the archers help whittle them to.
Light Cav fear both. The Archers can pummel them sooner, making it harder for them to negate blunderbuss or warmachine hunt.
Archers also have that range. Even if they only kill three or four guys by the time the target is in blunderbuss range they’re probably reduced a rank and are well on their way to earning their points.
2 units of Hobgoblin archers are nice. Plus you have some freedom in deployment. Putting them out in front a bit is fune as they don’t cause panics.
I agree with swiss: CD have warmachines more than covered, and Blunderbusses will shoot anything at close range into a paste, but sometimes you need some mid-range shooting to pick off lone wizards, warmachine crews, super gnarly skirmishers (wardancers anyone?) and the like. Point for point I think these are the cheapest archers in the game, and have bs3 to boot.
Although big, naked bait units of hobbos are a wonderful thing. A 20 strong unit of hobbos is something your opponent can’t really ignore, especially if it gets on one of his flanks. At the same time, anything he diverts to kill them will be worth more than the 40 vp he’d get in return. Both schools of thought have tactical merit imho.