[Archive] ideas **This message was automatically appended because it was too short.**


this is the start to my earthshaker and i don’t knwo if i can use it but i have a giant i have put armor on and a helmet maybe a hat  

i will post as i keep going




this is the start to my earthshaker and i don’t knwo if i can use it but i have a giant i have put armor on and a helmet maybe a hat  

i will post as i keep going




sorry for the small pictures still getting used to forums

Kera foehunter:

I played a dwarf player that used a giant as a as a grudge thrower…

but it some game people are stickler for the rules… but not me cool over throws rules


Rules are meant to be broken :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Cool concept do’h, keep us posted…
