i’ve been thinkig about getting an IG project started just to get some change. and ive come up with a few schems tell me what you think
Geanstealer hybrids - tyranid parts and geanestealer heads (some converted just add a bigger brain and a longer mouth.)
a worn out army- lots of scars wounds and ductejp (silver Ofc)
vostroyan first born- guess you know what that is. love those models
rome themed army- lots of rome styled armors and helmets (the muscle armours =) ) in a red and golden theme
some sort of desert theme- lots of browns
anyone else have some good ideas?
Desert Schemes
Fremen - Dune
Sandmen - Star Wars
Or you could do the military force from Starship Troopers, I just don’t remember the colors from the book or the movie.
Godbob and his jolly rogers:
a worn out army- lots of scars wounds and ductejp (silver Ofc)
An army of veterans would be cool
or an army made up ofjust penal legions and have enforcers as officers and commisars as governers :idea
do like this guy!
jag har också tänkt på att göra en IG armé,steel legion skulle vara coolt, men deras modeler är så fula,så jag tänkte skulptera egna och ljuta i resin.
do you mean the guys with gas masks? thats death korps of kreig. cant find anything special about steel legion. the just dress in bright formal uniforms as far as i know…
the Steel Legion wear great coats and gas masks. Are you not thinking of Mordians?
For genestealer hybrids you are best using plague monks as a base and use the cadians for brood brothers (infected PDF).
Have a look at Pig Iron and hasslefree. You can order new heads/weapons/equip from them and create your own style… like this…

i have to say i would love to hear what you were thinking exactly along your roman style. but then a history student would say that ha ha.
i think that particular direction would require a lot of thought and conversion but at the end of it would look superb. not sure what i would do exactly if i were to do it. were you thinkin of something like this only brought into the world of 40k?
its a shame they stopped the production of this model
something like that with guns and other bits =) but the head thingy will require lots of work, but i might just try it, i’ve been tinkereing with a deamon guard unit for a while now, and we’ll see how it turns out
something like that with guns and other bits =) but the head thingy will require lots of work, but i might just try it, i've been tinkereing with a deamon guard unit for a while now, and we'll see how it turns out
There is an answer for that: :D
They do these:

If you need more info about Steel Legion you should look into old Armageddon War background material. You'll also find a bit of fluff about them in the new IG codex and a small piece of artwork. A black and white version of this cool 'battle for Armargeddon' cover art:

Hope you'll let us see, if you start a DIY Steel Legion army. I'm thinking about it to especially seeing the greatcoat officer in the new Command Boxset - shouldn't be that hard to do a few more homemade sculpts based on that.
those helmets are awsome!, something for the leaders tho or else i will wear it out =)
The one second most to the right look an awful lot like this lad’s head from our good ol’ GW.
Slaaneshi Champion
Still! Good heads! If i did a similar project, i’d definitively get them!