Not necessarily using magic cards as templates mind you, but cards with the spells info on them. With some nice art fitting the lore and Chaos Dwarfs. Runes of Hashut, Arrows, looking like its part of forge, etc…
Though if we have enough art, we could have a little picture too.
I’d want this to be from a Chaos Dwarf perspective and style.
Now due to legal issues, I do not think we can put the spell info on there. However putting the name of the spell would be fine, the lore, # in lore, etc. maybe casting value.
This could be used to keep track of what spells you have, etc.
Who’d want to help out on this? As some nice artists would be useful.
Why can't we? GW seems to have foresaken us it's time to start making things on our own. As long as we don't sell them they can't stop us.
No reason we shouldn't be able to, with the right disclaimers... I know that has entire army lists and the like from various sources posted up on that site and there have not been any complaints that I'm aware of.
Again I think some sort of template (in the same vain as Magic cards) where they have a template (in this case for each lore) with appropriate Dawi Zharr symbols and such (perhaps X number of runes for the number the spell is in the lore?)
Then each spell has it’s own image…
Here’s what I’m thinking so far. Some may need to be cropped or reduced in size.
Personally I took the lores and made them fit 4X6 cards. I hated flipping through the Big Red Book when I was trying to cast spells (4 sorcerers, 4 different lores). It seems like it would be something GW could exploit with a set of 30 cards, one for each lore, invocation and prayer currently in use in Warhammer. They can sell update cards when they redo armies and lores.
I think the templates look really good. I have a set that someone did for my vamp magic. I prefer the look of the Death and Metal lores: the fire one is cool, but too realistic looking for me (just a stylistic preference). I hope you complete the project.
so maybe we could get away with printing one side of their stuff and the background being our own?
I’d much prefur your personalised ones though (I use mine because it’s heaps easier than thumbing through the rules for magic and having books everywhere)
I like this a lot. I have used the ones they had for dark elves before the update. GiMP is a great program, but I have never managed to find a decent project. Keep us posted Swiss.
I’m guessing the new GW spell cards are the reason for the stall here. It would still nice to have an option for having our own (as all the other armies seem to be getting their own limited edition battle magic cards)