[Archive] Insanity of the WoC


I just played my 2nd battle last night with the WoC.  I feel that before I go any further, I should state that this was a no holds barred match against my Vamp buddy so I can’t be held entirely responsible for my actions.

It was, as we both would claim, a victory for me on the 2nd turn thanks to an inocuous 35point arcane item.  The item I refer to is called the “Infernal Puppet”.  For 35 points it allows you to modify any rolls on the miscast chart during the battle, friend or foe, by d3.  Suffice it to say, his lord miscast and rolled a 4. I was able to modify it by 3…POOF, lord of his army pulled into the realm of chaos.  And the resulting “crumble check” killed the abyssal terror he was riding.  “How often do people miscast though?” you may ask? Well, did I mention this was combo’d with the Black Tongue, which is a one use only item which can be used when an enemy wizard fails a casting roll to cause an auto miscast (and a wound to the bearer).

We decided to carry on with the battle anyways, which really hurt as the next round his blood knights charged my trolls and caused 13 wounds with flaming attacks then overran into my marauders.  Somehow though, clutch rolling paid off and I rolled double 6’s on the Eye of the God chart for the marauders thanks to my warshrine (which gives them a 4+ ward and Stubborn).  Kind of blunted the charge.  It was at this point we called the battle off.  Oh, also because I had Vilitch the changeling on the field so he could barely get any spells off for fear of failing to cast or dispel.

Now, I love my Chaos Dwarfs, but it is so nice for once to play an army that can pull that much chintz out of its…tookus (language :P). Anyone have similar experiances to this, either dishing out, or on the receiving end?

Godbob and his jolly rogers:

That sounded bad

I played against WoC with DoC and got munch but I know where I went wronge and i’m going for enougher go


There are some “I win” goodies, but a lot of those rely squarely on the right number rolled on the dice.

An 11&12 for Infernal Gateway on the same character+unit would have had the same result.

Some are a bit easier than others. But at leas it worked once right?

How annoying would it be to pay for the Black Tongue and then only get a 7-9. Though hitting a 5-6 or would nice, and then cast Infernal Gateway. sort of like playing Mortal Combat! :slight_smile:

Hashut’s Blessing:

It was a 6 player battle, 3 on 3. My Chaos, my friends DE and my other friends Greenskins, against my Chaos (I had enough for two armies), my mates VCs (Necrach) and I can’t recall. Turn one, we get first turn: my friend had the special character shaman and turned the VC general into a squig instantly. My friend got REALLY huffy and the rest of the game wasn’t much fun because he’s a sore loser (most of the time).

Another one is any time I use my normal Dwarfs. The most damage I’ve sustained so far (that counts towards victory points), has been a destroyed Organ Gun, which misfired, lol.


That reminds me of playing against Undead in 4th. The general was on a flying beastie and flew high in turn one ( I let him go first) I then whipped out the Orb of Thunder, and proceeded to do so every turn until it was out of charges. He was trapped flying high until turn six by which time I had decimated his army.


the lore of tzeentch is pretty powerfull, I had 2 level 2 wizards one of the could make exalted champions with a magic spell and the other one had the spell to make the enemy wizard have miscast on a double, that was pretty incane.


ok, just had another battle against my vamp buddy…lets just say that nurgle is in my opinion the best deck in the game. Or to put it another way, their lowest casting cost spell is the best spell in the game. 5+ to cast, a model in 24" and line of sight takes a wound, no save. I had 2 casters, both with that spell and they were assassinating a vamp hero every turn.


Chaos have no scouts, no skirmishers and no flying units.

They have to be able to tool their heroes and units up otherwise they really struggle. Even more so with the new edition.


If anything, I think they’re less good than before in a lot of ways. Beastmen gave them so many options…

I had 2 casters, both with that spell and they were assassinating a vamp hero every turn.
He wasn’t dispelling? Or ward/regenerating? Or getting out of LoS? Then what does he expect? :slight_smile:


I had 2 casters, both with that spell and they were assassinating a vamp hero every turn.
He wasn't dispelling? Or ward/regenerating? Or getting out of LoS? Then what does he expect? :)

i had alot of dice and a couple bound spells, and I saved the auto wound spell until the last. As for the ward/regen, he went super-offence. Which against WoC seems like a good idea. His vamp lord had 4 attacks that auto-hit and reroll wound and give him an extra attack whenever he wounds, and its a lance so its -4 armour save or something. So basically his lord does 8 wounds whenever he charges. :sick


that is good but why would’nt he give his lord another save other than a AS. that is a really weird vampire general. but then again that is just me. As for chaos they do have some nice things here and there. pretty good army but still pretty easy to take them out xb


Ok, so I was playing against my buddy, who ran a 1,000 point Brettonian list, and I had my new 1,000 point dark elf list (check out the pictures in the “off topic” section). The only anti-armor I had were 5 knights and my sorceress. So anyway, it’s turn 3 and my sorceress dies (miscast, methinks) and his knights are in position to charge either my knights or my spearelves, whaddya know, he declares a charge against the knights, and I basically think i’m doomed, but he failed his fear test and flees through his other units of knights! But there’s more! After watching a unit of knights (which included a BSB paladin, no less) run off board, (he insists we play on his “small board”) He declares a flank against my cold ones. I’m freaking out, i thought (those cold ones are dead!) but he fails to even wound me, and even though he wins, he fails to pursue, and better yet, his unit lands right in front of my corsairs, almost begging to be flanked. from there, the battle pretty much went downhill. It was awe-inspiring.

Hashut’s Blessing:

I tried out the new WoC book against Sousonou’s new DE book. Admittedly he went cheesed out: 2 level 2 sorceress’, Shadowblade and an assassin in 1k. I had a dozen warriors, 5 marauder horsemen, 11 marauders (light armour and shields) (all commands for all units), an exalted hero (who pursued off the board twice when I tried to make him hold, then failed to return) and a Tzeentch sorcerer (who was shut down by the scroll caddy, equal number of dispel dice, failure to cast Infernal Gateway and MR). I got a LOT of bad rolls in the first game and was smooshed. The second one, I changed my starting layout mildly and got average dice rolls, which made life a lot easier, but the bad rolls were at the worst moments again :wink: Also, when Shadowblade attacks first (even when you charge) and you MUST challenge him, then he gets re-rolls, drinks a potion of strength etc etc, you tend to become grinded.

Oh well :smiley:

Thommy H:

who pursued off the board twice when I tried to make him hold, then failed to return
How do you "fail" to return? It happens automatically in the following turn.


How do you "fail" to return? It happens automatically in the following turn
Presumably the game ended while he was off board?
Also, when Shadowblade attacks first (even when you charge) and you MUST challenge him, then he gets re-rolls, drinks a potion of strength etc etc, you tend to become grinded.
Yeah, the whole 'must challenge' thing can be a pain; it seems fine until you actually try it, then get nailed by ASF nutters, big monster riders and Empire Characters carrying an innocuous-looking mirror that used to belong to a certain Van Horstmann (presumably the same Egrimm Van Horstmann that became a Tzeentch Champion...nice one), either that or your mighty boss spends the first turn of every combat smacking a champion.

Thommy H:

Bah - Champions of Chaos don’t believe in unfavourable opponents. If they send some weakling to fight against you (or bait you with a weak unit…) then they’ll be turned into mush even quicker. If it’s a worthy foe, then let the Dark Gods decide who should emerge victorious and then abide by their capricious nature if it goes against you.

That’s how I play anyway. Probably helps that my guys are red and brass and carry lots of skulls with them…

Hashut’s Blessing:

Well, unless it’s changed from 6th edition (in which case, I must rescour the new BRB), I thought you had to pass a leadership test to return to the board after pursuing off the table. Damnit, that would’ve been a WHOLE different game otherwise…

(P.S. It DOES belong to Egrimm Van Horstmann. Unfortunately, he just doesn;t have it in his possession right now :stuck_out_tongue: )

Must challenge thing: it brings a new aspect, since I never used to bother challenging (grinding the unit makes it flee faster anyway), which is/was fun. Unfortunately, my Chaos Sorcerer was the one that kept having to challenge him…

Thommy H:

No Leadership test - they just come back in their next movement phase.

Hashut’s Blessing:

Buggery :stuck_out_tongue: Well, that’ll help in future :wink: I can also claim those two games null and void (joking).


As for challenges, I am toying with the idea of giving my general armour of damnation (enemies must reroll successful hits) And father of swords (enemies who roll 1 to hit, hit themselves)

Rather expensive but might be fun. What do you think?

The weirdest thing that happened to me when playing chaos was one battle against Dark elves. On the first turn, they opened up with bolt throwers, wiping out a unit of 5 furies.

Back then, my chaos armies would tend to be very compact… when the resulting panic test saw my general on a disk and by unit of chosen knights (9 + BSB) off the table, I was left with 2 chariots, a spawn, a sorcerer and a pack of 3 screamers…