[Archive] Introductions: New members post here!


hey Nicktator! are you at UofG? Xander’s youngest brother is there right now. I was in the next town over at WLU.

but welcome to the site! is that metroid in your avatar?

glad you joined us :slight_smile:

The Nicktator:

That’s right, 2nd year poli sci. Just moved here from Toronto because the program is better here and it’s less crowded.

Really? Does Xander’s younger brother play CD too? Because just yesterday my girlfriend was telling me she signed up for the campus gaming club and there was a guy there who played chaos dwarves, which I find hilarious.

Yes, that is a metroid, and he’s stylin’ hard.

Glad to be a part of this community!


I don’t think so Nicktator. I think he’s the only brother with no interest in WH (4 outta 5 is pretty good I suppose)

so UofT first eh? plus with unregulated tuition there you must’ve been paying through the nose. UofG is a nice school. But find out from your gf if this guy is on our site, if not, get him here! :wink: there might be some slaves in it for you…

The Nicktator:

I’ll tell you on Tuesday, that’s when the gaming club meeting is. I’m coming as well… the more people I have to play against, the merrier.

If he isn’t a CDO member I’ll be sure to recruit him when I meet him!


he, Its me Minty, i forgot my old pasword andhave a new email so had to make a new account

I promise not to vanish for long periods of time this tie

ah, and hi again everyone:)

Ghrask Dragh:

:smiley: Welcome HLY, nice to meet you :hat off


lol, well hello HLY… why such a name change? couldn’t go with Minty-o or something? lol

glad you made your way back to us.


well, you see, it’s a long story

My first orum was the GW forums (hellhole they where) where I used the name High lord yeurl, the name of my dark elf general. I carried this name over to my new main forum Http://www.warvault.net/warhammer_realm, and there everyone (rather than typing the whole thing out) simply called me HLY, which is also what I use on http://z11.invisionfree.com/Old_World_Chronicles, and now here

so yeah…


Welcome aboard. :slight_smile:

I used to use those old GW forums… boy were they awful! :wink:


Minty (HLY) did you contact one of the staff regarding your perdicament? Chances are one us can gain access to your old account or at least reset the password.


HLY, I wouldn’t call that a “long” story… if you want LONG stories, ask Xander how I can get going on recounting a baseball game, or a vacation, or an encounter at work, or…:wink:


that was the condesned verion, the full version has space battles and ninjas

oh, and thaks Xander, for giving me the password for this acount again



I’m soon getting into Warhammer and after looking over all the armies a bit, Chaos Dwarfs was the one to catch my eye and make me want to play the game more.

So, hopefully soon I’ll be able to buy what I’ll need to start off with 2250 pts (most everything is going to end up being converted…) and maybe I’ll get to start busting some heads and taking some slaves too :3


Welcome Skyefire! that sounds like quite the endeavour to start you off into WH, but this is a great place to be! it should help you with ideas and tips and converting advice. So if you run into any troubles during your conversions, just ask around!!!

as for YOU minty Sojourn retracts the welcome to HLY :stuck_out_tongue: (totally kidding, nice to see you back)


Thanks. For now I’m just working on getting a list together that will be a decent start, but not too expensive, money wise, then once I have that figured out I’ll know what I need to buy and how much money I’ll need, and then I can get to the good stuff…

Later today I might be able to put the list up that I’ve thought up so far so I can get help on that end.

Kera foehunter:

well glade you decided to join us Skyefire!!

good luck with your cd army

btw minty how could your for get your password

Kera rules

Ghrask Dragh:

Welcome Skyefire, looking forward to the list you come up with!

If your looking for cheap stuff and want to convert from Games Workshop you can get it cheaper at http://www.maelstromgames.co.uk/index.php though ‘cheap’ isn’t a word often associated with Chaos Dwarfs I have to admit :smiley:

Welcome :hat off

Tharzhul Firehelm:

Hey all

I have been involved in warhammer for the past 4 years, painting on and off and in the last 3 months getting into the gaming side of the hobby. At the moment i am collecting Wood Elves, Chaos and Chaos Dwarfs. I currently have a small collection of hats but hopefully in the months to come it will get bigger. I am excited to become a member of Chaos Dwarfs Online and am look forward to talking with you all. :hat off


Tharzhul Firehelm

Kera foehunter:

well welcome to the site !! Im glade you decided to join us were one happy faimly !!

Tharzhul so jump in and have a good time!


So many new people :o

Welcome aboard everyone.