[Archive] Introductions: New members post here!


Welcome to the site all. Feel free to ask anything at all Mikel, just drop me a pm and I'll do my best :hat off, I like the simpson sketch, did you do it yourself or is it from the simpsonise me site?

Ghrask Dragh
Thanks! :)
It's from the Simponise Me site.

Ubbo Sathla:

don't worry about your french Ubbo... try your best with English, looks like you have a firm handle on it anyways.

welcome or.. bienvenue a CDO!

Thanks for your welcome, Sojourn and everyone!:cheers
Where are you from that is French speaking? :)
I'm from some town nearby Versailles...


Hi im jolpis, and i’ve just started with a chaos dwarfs army i really love chaos and i’ve allways like dwarfs so when i heard of chaos dwarfs i started planning now i have 16 CD warriors and im soon buying BFSP

and thanks for a really good site,

ps  :cheers<-- this is really cool =)


Welcome Jolpis! I hope to see you around and to see pictures of your work.

I think you’ll find Chaos Dwarfs as cool as we do. You’ll find this site is a very useful resource for modeling, painting, and gaming.

May your Dawi Zharr bring you many victories and the occasional elf slave!


thanks so much and my first CD will be upp in a few days


Sounds good, Jolpis! I can’t wait to see what you can do! :slight_smile:


Ghrask Dragh:

Welcome onboard Ubbo and Jolpis! will keep and eye out for those pics!

Mikel: Thats a cool site! I did one of those Simpsonise me pics, I’ve changed a bit since then, I think i will update it soon :smiley:


Hey, I’m Ryon, age 15. I have just started out with warhammer (not war gaming, I play 40k quite a bit) and I have decided to merge my love for the greenies and my love for dwarves and my love for chaos into a single package. Therefore I have decided Chaos Stunties will be my new army, and, considering this is the most advanced place in getting CD info (kinda the only place :P) I have joined up with you guys.

I live in Illinois, USA, where I enjoy soccer, 40k, swimming, friends, and a good book.


Welcome Valendr! Grab your [[BFSP]] set and get working! :wink:


Already on it sir!

I bought it around a week ago . . . Now that I have found CDO it is time to start the converting :cheers.


trying to keep up in the Intro post with all the new members is like trying to nail jello to the wall! it’s near impossible! I’m so impressed with how CDO is expanding and quickly.

Welcome jolpis and Valendr! enjoy your time and get posting your WIP or army! :slight_smile:


So has anyone figured out how many members are on this board now?


thanks for the welcomes and the first pictueres are up allready

and i really love this site without it i would never have started CD

and welcome valendr


So many new people…

Welcome aboard everybody. Hope you enjoy your time here.


hi and a warm welcome to all new members

awesome how this comunity grows,how long can gw still ignore all these people???


hi and a warm welcome to all new members
awesome how this comunity grows,how long can gw still ignore all these people???

I suspect they're aware... I don't think they have forsaken us.

Welcome all!

Kera foehunter:

Illinois sweet !! so do you live by Chicago ?? Valendr


By Chicago, well…not really. I hail from Springfield. I’ve just been shown the Illinois WHFB website by Swiss, and I hope to check that out, possibly get up to the battle bunker or something sometime.

Also thanks for the warm welcome everybody!


Hey all. Long time warhammer player, started with Blood Bowl and 40k, and eventually crossed the bridge to fantasy about eight years ago. I love to play armies nobody else does, so it was only a matter of time until I stumbled across the Chaos Dwarf “army book” and started my own conversions. Other stuff I’ve worked on recently are mono-slaanesh demons, vampire counts (based on Lahmia before the new book came out), bretonnians, and 40k imperial guard.

Thus far I haven’t actually had the opportunity to put the dwarves on the table, as I’m saving them for an upcoming tournament to surprise a bunch of folks with. That said, I’ve been really enjoying the conversion process and, strangely, the painting. I usually hate painting, but don’t mind on those little gits.

Alan the evil:


I’m Alan and I’m from Italy. I’m 33.

I’m an old WH player (since 1996) and I started with orks and goblin, followed by chaos (when it was undivided), WE, empire, dogs of war and skinks… every year i changed army for 6 years
But i always have an army, other than these, that I never changed and I let you all imagine which one…
I stopped with WH after the italian GT of 2002 and i left my two armies (CD & skinks) into the closet.
Last year, after 6 years around the world, I came back to my village and start to work with my family.
My old WH club was still alive, so I came back to war with my armies.
I found both boxes in which I putted my 2 armies… but there were chaos dwarfs in both boxes… and any skink… at all…
and i never still found a single skink after one year… really…
I wonder what CD did during my absence to that poor li’l lizard!!!
But CD gain the right to be my only and unic army forever… “even if i gonna be the only CD player in the world” - I thought (I never met another CD army other than mine here in Italy, and I knew once a time just another CD player in my life… but now it’s married and off)

But now that I found this forum I feel less alone… I didn’t imagine we are so much!!
Thanks to all!