[Archive] Introductions: New members post here!


Welcome to the newcomers !

AzraelEzekiel ! I know you from warseer, I read many of your posts on the warmaster forum. The great Taurus and the Hellcanon are conversions no ? I hope we’ll see them on the website !


But can I enter my 10mm models into your painting/conversion contests :cheers

ask willmark or xander


chaos dwarfs are my umpteenth army, my high elves were my first. i have desided to start chaos dwarfs a year ago and now having finaly clompleted my 6000 points of emperium for 40k im moving on to chaos dwarfs.


Aesinier you are welcome! :cheers

Hopefully you will soon have such an amazing amount of CD-Troops … !

…but that´s not the most important aspect of CDO! :wink:

Just have fun and enjoy your time here at the forum! :hat off



Hey everyone

I’ve been reading the forum for a while and thought I could post and maybe start a army blog thread soon. Hopefully it’ll motivate me to paint and convert all my chaos dwarf army.

I started to play warhammer back when all the army were in the Ravening Horde. I have a High Elf army of about 4k, a wood elf army of about 3k and of course a CD army of  3kish points.

I also play Warhammer 40k and have a all kroot force, a tau and a Death Guard army

That pretty much sums it up

Kera foehunter:

well welcome to the site Oiad!!

hurry we like to see your blog


I’m Kefas from Poland, precisely from Lublin - candidate for the title of European Capital of Culture
My history with Warhammer begun in remote past about 10-12 years ago. The first army I started to collect was WE - it was only few items. But even this short history suddenly finished because of my personal reasons.  After 10-12? (I really don’t remember) years break I returned to passion with Warhammer. So now I argue I’m totally addicted to Warhammer�?� my precccioouusss! ;>  In that time when I had break, my older brother’s children lost my WE miniatures in orchard : D so I couldn�?Tt back to collecting this army�?� to be honest I never like WE exept this army  the best WE army I ever saw. So I decidet to colecting my first real army�?� it was Dogs of War! climate army, diverse army and unfortunately still without proper for 7ed rules : ( same like CHD. DoW giving me infinitie possibility to create diverse army In playing and In painting�?�  What�?Ts why I love my first real army! After that It was long time when I collected few armies VC, Skaven, Empire but just only one army stay in my hands till this day�?� SKAVEN. This is next after DoW my favorite army i like this army on many account. This is not good time to talking about it but defenetely I�?Tll open separately subject In appropriate plase and time snif snif�?� I just start collecting and converting this army is still unpaintig :confused: OK! but what about CHD? It was few weeks ago. I found several old and unknow compant dwarf miniatures, I took GS to my hands and I said I’ll try to convert those miniatures In CHD Woriors�?� I hope that I will be able  soon to show you what it went out of this�?�
Defenetly I�?Tll open CHD army blog with those WIP models and other in near future I hope. CHD is specjal army and I think I’ll spend a little time with this passion  =] This passion is fresh and clear and my experience with ChD is amll I thik I’ll win experience in this forum with your help. So this is VERYshort and SELECTIVE history about me and my addicted to Warhammer amy addicted to DoW, Skaven and… ChD. I hope I’ll be able to show you my past and future miniatures work! And I hope you understand what I wrote! :>
Welcome everybody! Call me kefas… :hat off


@ Kefas:

Many greetings from the next European Capital of Culture - namely ESSEN!

I´m keen to see your old minis! I hope you will enjoy your time here with all of us! :cheers


Kera foehunter:

well welcome to the site Kefas

that great that you a dow fan too !!

i have to pass on skaven !! like most women i hate rodents!!!

Lolo the Red:

Hi there.

My name is Lolo,

I usually play Ogres and Gnoblars but have just bought the old Chaos Dwarf book. Im so excited!

Just out of interest, it says that 50% of the points can be spent on charaters. Is this still the rule or is it your usual 1 lord choice at 2k etc?

Also for magic it says use the Warhammer magic cards? Or do they use a particular lore? help please


It looks like you are reading the 5th edition rules. If you need the current rules PM me your email address.


Welcome aboard everyone.

Hope you enjoy your time here, we try to have a friendly forum, as you can see from Bilbo’s reply above.

Kera foehunter:

Well Sojourn back!!! so she can have her job back


As the thread implies I’m new here, although I recognize a few people’s names and miniatures from other forums I contribute to.  Been lurking for the past week, it was really Xander’s BFSP conversions that caught my eye as I had a copy sitting around unopened and have been thinking for the past couple of years that I wanted an option for creating a CD army.

So a little about me:

Hobby wise

I don’t play table top Warhammer, and I’m not sure I ever will to be honest.  However, I play a lot of Warhammer Quest - like many people I started when I was young with HeroQuest.  I paint, do some relatively minor conversions, like this one and only recently started sculpting. Oh, and I’ve done a LOT of recasting (sorry guys, only for my personal use, but I’m happy to give tips).  Seeing as I don’t play table top Warhammer and only use the bits for gaming in my home I don’t think it’s a problem.  Anyway it’s always well out-of-production material from HeroQuest or Warhammer Quest that I make.


I’m 32, married, and have a one-year-old daughter… with plans on a second child within the next two years.  I’m work as a postdoc (lingo for underpaid slave), specifically as a (bio)chemist at the moment… working on grander things for my long term career.  In true CD fashion they involve having my own slaves (grad students) to do my bidding and carry out my schemes. I’ve got some published papers and am usually writing more papers when I’m not playing with my daughter or doing hobby stuff after she’s gone to bed.

Eventually when I’m happy with my CD conversions I’ll post some.  My real reason for wanting a CD army is that the advanced levels of Warhammer Quest has a lot of entries in its monster tables for Chaos Dwarf units and I’ve always wanted to get started.  I’m almost done a 3D Warhammer Quest board (along with the boards for all the expansions) and I’m now setting my sights on making a CD-themed expansion.  For this I’ll likely start a separate thread for the community to respond to and give feedback.  It may be a lofty goal at the moment but I’ll be making new 3D tiles for it, a full-sized booklet with new adventure hazards, treasure, etc, some new “monster” entries for the Chaos Dwarfs and at least one unique CD warmachine (probably with a deamonic version of it too).  Yeah, maybe too ambitious but I’ll keep you all posted :wink:


And yes, seeing as Chaos Dwarfs are the “good guys”… while the main storyline and six Adventures will be for the regular Warriors I’m planning a mini-set of adventures, maybe a 3-part campaign specifically, for Chaos Dwarfs that will include Chaos Dwarf player characters and level stats, etc.


welcome nicodemus,

your project sounds pretty ambitious,cant wait to see the first results

get your inspiration from this side and show us your stuff

ps:your orc looks pretty cool


get your inspiration from this side and show us your stuff

Thanks for the welcome Hazkar.  I have been getting a lot of inspiration from this site and I honestly think it's making the whole project that much better.

Who knows, when it's finally finished and ready to go it some of it could be showcased in WOH (issue 20??) ;)



Word of Hashut 20? Who’s going to be working on it at that stage???



But I thought you were in the prep stages for it, you do plan 15-16 issues ahead right. :smiley:


well, I haven’t been around this here thread in a while, so welcome to all (especially any new Canadians in our ranks, NIcodemus, etc)

have a look around, ask if you need something and otherwise enjoy the company of the site! :slight_smile:


Hi all, just doing the intro thing :slight_smile:

Im Mark, from NZ. I played warhammer as a kid and recently got back into it at 27. I play Vampire Count (1st army) and now starting up Chaos Dwarf (hence being here). I will blog the rise of my scary little men in the blog section.

Outside of warhammer I enjoy mountian biking and I work as an Ecologist.

Looking forward to getting to know some of you!

Take care
