Don’t have the main rulebook to hand but fairly sure charge reactions can only be taken if a charge is declared, and one isn’t in this case, which is why it is like Random Movement.
Another way of looking at it is that the Move Phase happens in the following order:
Declare Charges
Opponent declares Charge Reactions
Opponent resolves Charge Reactions
Move Charges
Compulsory Movement
Remaining Moves
If you don’t declare a charge with the Iron Daemon, then the Steam Boiler is engaged in the Remain Moves Phase, so the chance for Charge Reactions has passed.
Wolf :
�?� Engage the boiler and move 2D6 plus 6 movement in a straight line, if a charge is declared and you hit the target you receive D6+1 impact hits; or
�?� If you make it in to contact with a unit, you only receive D6 impact hits and if it is an enemy unit they receive ASF; or
If the total movement would bring the Iron Daemon into contact with a unit unintentionally, roll for impact hits as normal.
Tamurkhan Throne of Chaos page: 177
The boldings are added by me.
No matter what the case you always get full number of impact hits, which for Iron Daemon is said on Page 193, the number is D6+2.
Edited previous comment :hat off
While re-reading the rules I just realized that after the first round of combat that the Iron Demon and Skullcracker can only make Thunderstomp attacks, does this mean that against Cavalry it is utterly useless against them since they cannot be Thunderstomped?
Yes Gmaleron thats exactly what it means. Unlike the steam tank or the doomwheel our Iron Daemon has counters left and right in every army. So its not a destroyibg machine, but an unbreakable t8/w8 brick that locks up the enemy flank or center, after 1-3 rounds of shooting
Wolf :
@ Gmaleron: Cavalry, Doomwheel and even a manling steam tank can be a real pain at tar pitting the ID.
I have to say, when I faced a Skaven player, I charged his Doomwheel and after he lost combat he fled. He then passed his rally test and in my turn I charged him again, it was extremely funny watching my ID chasing his Doomwheel across the battle field.
With light cavalry which are away from Generals leadership bubble, they really struggle not feeling from D6+2 impacts hits, I�?Tve even had Silver Helms fail a Terror test against my ID.
A quick question about the steam cannonade, i roll the artillery dices to ser how many shots are fired, then move onto to hit if I understand correctly. When rolling to hit the ID itself has no bs, do I roll to hit on the crews 3bs (4+) or how does it work?
A quick question about the steam cannonade, i roll the artillery dices to ser how many shots are fired, then move onto to hit if I understand correctly. When rolling to hit the ID itself has no bs, do I roll to hit on the crews 3bs (4+) or how does it work?
Oui. Suffering no penalty if only moving 6'', but all other modifiers apply.
So roll high and don't waste the shots on small stuff.
A quick question about the steam cannonade, i roll the artillery dices to ser how many shots are fired, then move onto to hit if I understand correctly. When rolling to hit the ID itself has no bs, do I roll to hit on the crews 3bs (4+) or how does it work?
Oui. Suffering no penalty if only moving 6'', but all other modifiers apply.
So roll high and don't waste the shots on small stuff.
Thanks! Facing a daemonprince and later possibly a stonehorn so I'll probably direct the cannonade their way ;)
Well that’s good to know, still debating however which one to take as I plan on getting at least 2, from your guys experience (since I have not yet played with one) which one would be the best to take in a pair?
First round of combat if it charged it gets impact hits. The only thing in its rules is you cant impact and thunder stomp. You get both just not at once. If a doom wheel gets too close its perfect for smashing those things to bits and pieces.