[Archive] Ishkur's Dawi Zharr project

Ishkur Cinderhat:

@catbarf: I cut off quite a few Gnoblar noses, from either the regiment sprues or the “accessory” gnoblars from the Ogre Bulls / Ironguts regiments. I really can’t tell anymore which ones exactly.

@Arlon: not because the colours hurt your eyes, I hope? :slight_smile:


@catbarf: I cut off quite a few Gnoblar noses, from either the regiment sprues or the "accessory" gnoblars from the Ogre Bulls / Ironguts regiments. I really can't tell anymore which ones exactly.

Ishkur Cinderhat
Did you shave them down, or just cut them off the heads and use them as-is?


wow love the taurus. the limited pallete really brings it to life.


no i cried because it is so amazing

Ishkur Cinderhat:

@catbarf: I cut them off and stuck them onto the dwarf faces that I used as basis for the CD warrior torso sculpt.


Yes, yes, but I mean did you modify them before attaching them to the CDs? Did you shave them down, or cut off the sides, or make them flatter, or anything like that? Or was it just cut off -> glue on?

Ishkur Cinderhat:

Well yes I most probably scratched off some material on the sides here and there. But of what importance is that? :slight_smile:


Quite a bit, when I’m pulling out my hair trying to figure out which Gnoblar heads will actually go on the Dwarf bodies :slight_smile:


Ishkur - yours Taurus is just perfect! It is best Taurus I have ever seen. :hat off


This seriously is great stuff! I really like the sculpting so far, the Taurus is amazing!

So, what’s next on the skedgual? :slight_smile:


One last question- where did you get all the tiny skulls?

Ishkur Cinderhat:

Wherever I could get them from… Chaos Marine bolters, sword hilts, Terminator shields, that kind of stuff. With a bits box as big as mine, there is always something useful to be found somewhere. ^^

@Pfreck: the second bolt thrower is currently in the works. I had to speed up my work on it as I want to use it in a 2000 points battle today. Gonna be painted in the next days, hopefully.


Then stop gabbing about it here and get cracking on it


Fantastic stuff. Love them hats :slight_smile: Alot. That taurus too :o




Do you have any new models in the work great lord Cinderhat? please finish something soon so that we don’t have to commit mass suecide…:slight_smile:


You work is truly amazing and very inspirationnal. You have a lot of talent.

I’m new to this forum, but so far your army is among the best ones, if not the best one.

Keep up the good work !

Ishkur Cinderhat:

Okay, 4th place in Golden Hat V is more than an honorable result as I really never hoped I’d make a medal with this one, after having seen the gorgeous other entries. ^^

What I did was trying to create something that is anywhere between the Immortals and the regular CD warriors. While I’m happy with the standard and the face mask, the metal is a bit too shiny and there is not a lot of interesting stuff to be found on the armour. But the really good thing about this model is that it inspired me to a new design for a special unit:

Now these guys would come with a mixture of scale mail and plate, maybe some sort of oversized scimitar or glaive, and the ornamental shoulder guards with the symbolic oversized horns on them. Compared to the drawing they might need to be a bit more stunty to be proper Chaos Dwarfs. As of yet I call them the “High Thaumaturge’s Royal Guard” - no idea who he is or what they do, but I kinda like the ring of it! :slight_smile:

Meanwhile, work on the bull centaurs is progressing v e r y slowly… I am still struggling with sculpting the weapons and hands. But the bull body, torso and heads are ready cast for 5 pieces!


WOW i think a unit of those guys would look well cool.True immortals with platemail and beard gaurds would they all have masks too:hat


reminds me a lot of the immortals from 300 i dwarf form and wearing armour. a whole unit would be great, not sure what you would count them as. possibly black orcs?


WOW! Ishkur - can’t hardly wait to see that piece of art work brought to life (or to a live model) :slight_smile:

Once again a resin muliti part cast I guess :slight_smile: - btw: Great tutorials :hat off