[Archive] Island of Regna


Good day, guys! :hat off

This time I decided to share my progress on a new KoW Army: the Ogres! But traditional approach is not good enough for me, so the Island of Regna emerges from beneath the waves! :slight_smile:

Regnan Pirates

Many centuries ago Island of Regna was populated by feral ogre tribes who kept to themselves and knew little of outside world. It is not clear who were the first human settlers that came to the island. Most likely they were refugees from Basilea or just adventure-seekers. Their first encounter with the ogres was surprisingly peaceful: the ogres quickly realized that humans have a lot to teach them in terms of technology (especially gunpowder), while the humans could use the ogres’ muscle power for protection and labour. As a result a new nation was born. Once the entire island was colonized and all the tribes united, the inhabitants turned to piracy since no other nation could really show any sound resistance to the combination of human wits and ogre brawl.

Ogre Buccaneers

Ogres are far from being stupid as some people think. Some are actually very intelligent, capable of crafting pieces of art, music and able magic-users. Those who are less gifted usually join the ranks of buccaneers. These fearsome pirates would smash things left and right which can be most useful when attacking big ships or even enemy forts.

I hope you liked that part! See you next time! :cheers


These look great, cool army concept too! :slight_smile: That’s quite an impressive amount of pirates, which figures are those? I feel like I’ve seen them before but I can’t put my finger on where, they’re very nice looking anyway! The ogres are really cool too, I love the barrel shields and those are some nasty looking cutlasses :smiley:


Ooh. That would be nasty to play against, I think


Wohoo! Pirates! A lifelong favourite theme. Nice background, and really good colour scheme. Great work so far! Love the pirate horde.


These look great, cool army concept too! :) That's quite an impressive amount of pirates, which figures are those? I feel like I've seen them before but I can't put my finger on where, they're very nice looking anyway! The ogres are really cool too, I love the barrel shields and those are some nasty looking cutlasses :D

Thank you very much! :) These are Old Glory Pirates:

More piratey ogres are on the way! :cheers
Ooh. That would be nasty to play against, I think

I guess. KoW Ogres have an amazing list! Looking forward to playing with the entire army! :)
Wohoo! Pirates! A lifelong favourite theme. Nice background, and really good colour scheme. Great work so far! Love the pirate horde.

:D Thanks a lot, mate! Care to join my pirates and become their Admiral? :cheers

Uther the unhinged:

I love the barrel shields and the lookout is fantastic. Bring on more pirates!


Oh, looks cool. Thats a lot of pirates! :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess. KoW Ogres have an amazing list! Looking forward to playing with the entire army! :Happy
Jupp, they are dead hard. Those Boomers especially!


I love the barrel shields and the lookout is fantastic. Bring on more pirates!

Uther the unhinged
Thank you very much! :) Aye, captain! More pirates on the way! :yar
Oh, looks cool. Thats a lot of pirates! :P

Jupp, they are dead hard. Those Boomers especially!

Indeed they are! Most likely these nasty bombers are going to be in the next batch! :hat off


Greetings, ladies and gentlemen! :hat off

Today it is time for another tour to Island of Regna! So load your pistols, sharpen cutlasses and don’t forget your rum! :cheers

Ogre Tideriders

Regna is a big island, and boasts a large fleet of pirate ships. However even it cannot completely secure the waters from various sea monsters, elven raiding parties, or other nuisances. In order to deal with minor threats Regnans would often deploy Tideriders.

The island has always had a large population of giant crocks, and ogres have domesticated them long time before the humans came. Now with new technologies and gear they are even deadlier to their enemies.

Regnan Boomers

Pirates of Regna sometimes call themselves “Empire of the endless ocean”, hinting that there is no place in the known waters where they haven’t been or can’t get. Whether that is true or just boasting on their part is open to discussion. Nevertheless none can deny that their ships are very effective in pillaging villages, raiding towns or sinking entire fleets if need be. One of the most treasured spoils (apart from gold and gems, of course) is enemy artillery. Good cannons are hard to produce and usually the easiest way to get them is by taking enemy’s ones.

The best cannons are usually used in regnan forts or ships, while those of lower quality are given to Ogres, who take special pleasure in using these large, noisy “boomsticks” to blast apart anything their enemies might throw at them.

See you next time, mateys! :yar


Looks great, and you sure are a fast painter! Are they conversions of bought models?


Nice background stories as always, neat painting (astoundingly fast, with clean results in a good palette!) The Boomer unit looks great, not least the tricorn, fishcannon and the human light artillery team. But the saltwater crocodile pirate ogre riders take the prize…! Ingenious idea, and they look spectacular!

Yarr! Shiver me timbers and walk the plank. :yar


Looks great, and you sure are a fast painter! Are they conversions of bought models?

Thank you! :hat off Some of them are conversions, however most are bought. Titan-Forge miniatures
Nice background stories as always, neat painting (astoundingly fast, with clean results in a good palette!) The Boomer unit looks great, not least the tricorn, fishcannon and  the human light artillery team. But the saltwater crocodile pirate ogre riders take the prize...! Ingenious idea, and they look spectacular!

Yarr! Shiver me timbers and walk the plank. :yar

Thanks a lot! :cheers

And once again we travel to Regna! What do we see approaching down the hill? Shiver me timbers! Run for your lives! :o

Ogre Pirate Shooters
You might remember Regnan Boomers from our previous visit to the island. Shooters are basically Boomers in training, wielding lighter and often of poorer quality cannons. Often there is not even enough cannonballs for them to use, however they compensate that by sticking pillaged pikes, swords and other pointy sharp pieces in the cannon barrels. That damages the weapon even more, but the range is usually bigger and two-three shots is usually enough to break the likes of any enemy.

Regnan Powder Barge
Originally Powder Barges were used to destroy enemy ships. The barge full of barrels with powder would be sent in the direction of the hull of the enemy ship and once it was close enough a a sharpshooter would shoot the barge. A rare ship would survive such an impact. So, why not use it on land as well?

See you next time! :yar


I love the fire-chariots. and reversing them is neat.

Where are the chariots from?

Uther the unhinged:

I am so jealous of your croc riders! Beautiful minis and brilliant basing. Love the boomers and shooters (and swim googled!) and the fire chariots are great (poor boars).


I love the fire-chariots. and reversing them is neat.

Where are the chariots from?

Mantic Games. These guys are awesome. ) :)
I am so jealous of your croc riders! Beautiful minis and brilliant basing. Love the boomers and shooters (and swim googled!) and the fire chariots are great (poor boars).

Uther the unhinged
Thanks a lot! Yes, boars rarely survive that, but they are honored as heroes!

Regnan Siegebreakers

Siegebreakers are among the toughest of ogre warriors. Armed with broken masts and iron clubs, these fearsome ogres can break a hull of the ship or a stone wall without much of an effort. Once the enemy defense is destroyed it is time for pirates to pillage and plunder.

Ogre Pirates

Ogre pirates are basically a larger and meaner version of their human counterparts. Wild, loud and aggressive they can do whatever any pirate is good at: raiding, fighting and drinking. Gods forbid if the latter is not in plentiful supply!

Ogre Divers

Divers are perhaps some of the weirder lot among Regnan ogres. They would spend all their days underwater, searching for treasures of sunken ships. When there is dire need they would emerge from waters and make sure that more ships and treasures end up on the ocean floor.

See you next time, pirates! ) :cheers


Yarr! The Ogre Pirates and Divers are fantastic! Instant fan of them. :slight_smile:

Uther the unhinged:

Love the pirates and the divers, awesome. You do need some fire ships pushed by crocs or similar like the fire chariots. Loads more work for thed divers then


Those ogre pirates are really cool. Same thing with the divers these are awesome. I really like piratey things. Well done.




Thank you very much, guys! Much appreciated! :cheers

Let’s go deeper in the territory of Regna Island. And what do we see there? Crocodiles, many crocodiles! :smiley:

Regnan Crocodile Herders

Crocs who aren’t big enough to carry ogres are used as shock cavalry. They can be surprisingly fast for their size and both the enemies of Regnans as well as their herders should be very careful when these beasts enter the battlefield. Pirate meat is no less tasty then any other, after all.

Regnan Gator Cannon

On the other hand the biggest and toughest of crocs join the ranks of artillery. Actually they become artillery to a certain extent. These great cannons can blast entire castle wall sections and towers in one blast. A battery of these cannons can sink an entire fleet.

See you next time, mateys! Yarr! :yar