[Archive] I've been wondering


Say for example when Skaven get their new army book, or Chaos Dwarfs, would GW allow you to use the old book for in-store games? I’m wondering because people in the shop are the only people i can play Warhamer against, and if the Chaos Dwarf book was released tomorrow, there’s no way i’d use it if there were no Hobgoblin slaves, and similarly with the Skaven book, though that would depend on other things.


If you’re playing at a GW for casual games? While it is their store, if your opponent doesn’t mind, I don’t see why not.

Then again, I might be used to a little more casual attitude.

Kera foehunter:

well it up to the stores !! hey if it a friendly store they let you play your army !!

and most of the time this people are friendly and they may let you play old rules !!

i even play a slayer army from time to time

well you could always ask your local store to have one Saturday a moth with ver 6 rules !!


Usually playing the latest armybook is a benefit. It is also a lot easier on everybody as rules are available and will fit better with the core rules etc etc.

I think most people would prefer to use the newest rules.


Apart from the restrictions on models, I don’t think there would be any GW who would stop you from using even house rules, let alone an older version of an armybook.

There is always the chance of some meathead who tries to enforce some silly made-up interpretation of what they think GW’s policies are, but a quick word with a proper manager usually sorts that out.


It general depends on what kind of gaming you’re going in to play. A “vets night” friendly if pre-arranged as playing with an old list etc, etc, this wouldn’t be a problem. For a pick-up game or a proper league or “learn to play” session, you’d likely not be allowed


Say for example when Skaven get their new army book, or Chaos Dwarfs, would GW allow you to use the old book for in-store games? I'm wondering because people in the shop are the only people i can play Warhamer against, and if the Chaos Dwarf book was released tomorrow, there's no way i'd use it if there were no Hobgoblin slaves, and similarly with the Skaven book, though that would depend on other things.

No, if a new book comes out, A Gw staff member will tell you to use the new one. If you haven't bought the new one, they will let you use a sstore copy once or twice until you buy your own.
Apart from the restrictions on models, I don't think there would be any GW who would stop you from using even house rules, let alone an older version of an armybook.

There is always the chance of some meathead who tries to enforce some silly made-up interpretation of what they think GW's policies are, but a quick word with a proper manager usually sorts that out.

Gw policy is new book used when new book is released. Have you ever noticed that old books/codecies/ etc are pulled from the shelves usually 3-4 weeks before the new release? That because they will no longer be using those books. The same goes for playing 2nd edition in a GW store. it won't fly unless they are doing a special event.

That isn't a meathead making up interpretations, that's teh policy. If the manager lets you do it, it's his butt on the line.   Unless GW has changed in the last 2 years since I worked there.. If it has, then I withdraw my last statement, if it hasn't, then my space marine squad leader handbook still holds true. I've had to inform players that their book is out of date and if they intend to play in the store, they need to get a new one. I also have let them use the new codex/army book to fix their army and play a game or two until they could afford a new book. yes, I've had people go off on me for that, but I've explained to them simply I don't make the updates, I don't make the rules, I just enforce them and would love to have a game with an updated army.. I think in 7 years I probably had 2 or 3 people get so upset they never came back. Most were willing to change, but needed time to get a new book. After 2 or 3 times, we'd remind them that we aren't renting the book, just letting them utilize it until they could afford a new one.


Seriously? I know I’ve only attended the vet nights, and I’m generally good friends with the manager, but I’ve never come across anything like that at all. The closest I’ve seen is encouraging people to get the new book if they don’t have it yet, but if someone wanted to play with other rules then it was always okay. In theory, there is no way for them to actually know what rules you are using anyway, unless you wave your old book in their face


Ugh. I wish. Some of the books are much more fun I.E. Hordes of Chaos.

But, sadly, GW’s rules are rules…


Seriously? I know I've only attended the vet nights, and I'm generally good friends with the manager, but I've never come across anything like that at all. The closest I've seen is encouraging people to get the new book if they don't have it yet, but if someone wanted to play with other rules then it was always okay. In theory, there is no way for them to actually know what rules you are using anyway, unless you wave your old book in their face

That's how we do it in the US.. Perhaps other parts of the world, they are more lenient. I didn't realize until now that you don't live in the US>. Let's just say, I've played GW games going on 24 years now.. I know the difference from one army book to the next.. lol.

In fact basic store rules.. fully painted army (this has relaxed a bit), rule book, army book/codex, dice and markers.. IF you didn't have that stuff, you couldn't play. Some of us would be nice and let you borrow things.. It's draconian, but it keeps people motivated, one way or the other.

Border Reiver:

The rule in the Great White North used to be that for tournaments, the old book/rules could be used for 30 days post release of new book/rules. In stores, What my experience has been is that this hasn’t been an issue.


The rule in the Great White North used to be that for tournaments, the old book/rules could be used for 30 days post release of new book/rules.  In stores, What my experience has been is that this hasn't been an issue.

Border Reiver
if you are speaking of general LFGStore, I'd agree, GW stores have a completely different outlook. And the 30 day thing for tournaments is to allow people time to buy the new books. That is alleviated in a GW store because there is a codex there for customer use. That use is not to be abused though..