Pappa Midnight:
I�?Tve started on another Scrappers crew. This time I�?Tve decided to build a �?oPalladium Athena�?� crew ( all synthetic lifeforms). I�?Tve gone for an oriental theme with a Kabuki style cyborg, cyber sumos, geisha bots and a towering cyber-samurai.
The Iron Petal Crew
Tesshin Commander Synthetic (Warrior) CBT 6 CMD 6 CON 6
Cyborg ( Weapon Expert Swords), Marksman +1
Sword, Assault Rifle, Tac-suit, Tactical Harness
Kitsune Veteran Synthetic (Warrior) CBT 5 CMD 5 CON 5
Man-at-arms +1, kung Fu +1
Sword, SMG, Tac-suit
Maō Veteran Synthetic (Warrior) CBT 5 CMD 4 CON 5
Cyborg ( Inhuman Strength), Redundant Circuits
Machinegun, Great Cleaver, Scrap Metal Armour
Yama & Ryōken Trooper Synthetic (Worker) CBT 4 CMD 2 CON 4
Cyborg (Brute)
Great Bludgeon
Akiko, Hanako & Kimi Trooper Synthetic (Warrior) CBT 4 CMD 2 CON 4
Kung Fu +1
Total 750 Points
I will hopefully start getting some paint down on them soon.