[Archive] Khorne Lord of skulls



the concept is a great throwback to an age that is not anymore, when 40k was silly and over the top while having a certain allure: it was funny and stylish, like those Eldar Punk with Harps and laserguns!

but today 40k is GRIMMNDARKNGRIMMMNBLOOODNBRAAAH: too serious, too grim, the only comic relief comes from ze Orks (wich sometimes feel a little out of the setting) and THERE, in today’s 40k, that thing is HORRIBLE.

it even cost too much, and it’s sad: it’s aimed at those that loved ze old days, wich cryed tears of blood reading through the new background, and now? “oh look, we remember of you! shut up and dish out loads of cash, thank ya!” -_-

anyway, some of those tracks could be usefull to kitbash an Iron deamon, mostly the little ones on the outside of the chassis, not too sure about the main carriage and that xboxhueg torso (probably too Khorny for a K’daii, who knows?), maybe with six defiler-like legs it could pass as a Colossal Construct in some SoM game…

Fuggit Khan:

Hmmm...considering how much GW claims other people steal their idea's...this looks vaguely like the 1970's era Gundam tanks:
The entire Tau codex looks like Gundam/Macross/AppleSeed. Funny how it's 'being influenced' for GW but stealing when someone else does it.

I do still feel like this model could have been really cool. But yeah, £95 is nuts.

Very true, the Tau are total rip offs from 1986 Gundam Ashimar and Gaza C suits, GW even stole the colors, gun design and the flying discs concept:

Fuggit Khan:

the concept is a great throwback to an age that is not anymore, when 40k was silly and over the top while having a certain allure: it was funny and stylish, like those Eldar Punk with Harps and laserguns!
but today 40k is GRIMMNDARKNGRIMMMNBLOOODNBRAAAH: too serious, too grim, the only comic relief comes from ze Orks (wich sometimes feel a little out of the setting) and THERE, in today's 40k, that thing is HORRIBLE.
it even cost too much, and it's sad: it's aimed at those that loved ze old days, wich cryed tears of blood reading through the new background, and now? "oh look, we remember of you! shut up and dish out loads of cash, thank ya!" -_-

anyway, some of those tracks could be usefull to kitbash an Iron deamon, mostly the little ones on the outside of the chassis, not too sure about the main carriage and that xboxhueg torso (probably too Khorny for a K'daii, who knows?), maybe with six defiler-like legs it could pass as a Colossal Construct in some SoM game...

Lol...I'd forgotten all about the old school punk rock Eldar...yes, those were fun models with a campy allure that I loved. And I think you're right that the Orcs almost don't fit in the current 40k universe anymore, the Orcs are struggling to keep their original quirkiness and comic relief to the game..."Red wunz go Fasta" "Oi, dats me Gubbinz"


Should have copied the old epic model with that cool dog helmeted head for this version as it just looks like an action figure.

Maybe the squat colossus could be next to take down this sucka- oh that’s right all the squats got eaten :frowning:


Well I plan on buying one, but I am actually going to make TWO things out of it. I am going to make a small Titan out of the top and baneblade (or variant) out ot the bottom to be my command tank for my super heavies (minus those stupid blood tanks)


If you think the price is bad on that, check out this:



That’s nothing Grim. Check out this one:


Now, 50 bucks for a single model? Come on!


That's nothing Grim. Check out this one:


Now, 50 bucks for a single model? Come on!

They are seriously obscene prices. How they sell any amazes me.


That's nothing Grim. Check out this one:


Now, 50 bucks for a single model? Come on!

They are seriously obscene prices. How they sell any amazes me.

Just checked it out in Australia, and it is 70 dollars plus Postage n Handling


I quite like the model. As others have said, it has the old 40k feel.

… It also looks kind of… Chaos… Dwarf-y.

runs and hides


I personally don’t think the model is “that” bad. Not the best I’ve seen but neither the worst I suppose… And anyway, let’s face it, our K’Daai Destroyer is much more hideous than this one.

Da Crusha:

I like the model but its too expensive for my taste. would make a great destroyer and iron deamon. with some kit bashing.


I think this model would have been a lot better if they had not made it a khorne model. So a generic dozer blade and rework the tanks on the back to something else.


I never understood the point of centaur-tanks, really! If you developed a technology able to build excellent walker why put them on tracks?

I can understand for orks, their gargants on Leman russ tracks always make sense but chaos… a big meh!

I would buy it only for juicy bits (like the blood tanks) if it was not so pricey…