[Archive] Khorne Lord of skulls


What do you think of this model:

Mad Dave:

i like it even if it does look like abit of a rip off from sir kill alot from robot wars with a few extra bits.


Can’t decide if its really cool or really silly.

If you replaced the giant dude with a turret (mounting that massive assault cannon perhaps), it would make an awesome-looking tank.

Just looks a little out of place to me. Think the giant Berzerker needed to be more abstract.


Looks like this guy from Epic all those years ago:

I can’t help but think it looks a bit silly


Awefull, stupid and but ugly!

Cant really see it working, what is it for? its really retarded Dont get me wrong, I’m not a huge 40K fan. but this is just plain idiotic. he wont be able to hit anything with that sword if its to small, he cant reach down.

I do like the tanks on the back, they would make great Necromunda scenery.

Ha If i ever see one I’m going to make fun of the owner for having it. this makes Thomas the steam engine look serious.


It’s super silly, but it fits in the over the top 40k world.

So I like it, maybe not for the model but mostly for the awesome bits. I’d love to see a Chaos Giant built with some of the bits of this guy!


WTH is that? lol…

It looks ridicolous. I know every new army book nowadays must contain 1 big centerpiece model. But this thing is trying to jump an entire school of sharks.

Ugly Green Trog:

Looks like one of the daft combined zords from power rangers where the megazord would combine with a support zord to make some silly death roller machine.


Looks Sooo soooo stupid, But the body could make a good start to do Kdaii, BUT THERE CHARGING £95 FOR THIS THING!




WHAT THE **** Juggernaut heads just hanging about. You think they chit chat?


Bitz for my CD…:slight_smile:

This message was automatically appended because it was too short.


Its so cool, reminds me of the Chaos Box cover all these years ago. Bought it when we first got into WFB. Khorne is the machine god, f*ck yeah!

But, whats in the tanks!?


That model makes me laugh every time I look at it.


I’ve ordered one :slight_smile:

The first time I saw it I thought it looked like a cross between a Khorne Deathdealer and the Lord of Battles.

Epic was the first GW game I really got into in a big way so this was a great nod to the old days.

Yes it’s over the top, yes it looks ridiculous but I love it.



P.S. tjub, the tanks are supposed to be full of blood which it uses as fuel.


Thommy H:

Seems a few people here have only just realised how inherently daft the 40k setting is. I think this model is huge and stupid and I’d never buy it because £95 for one toy is just not an option for any sane person who has bills to pay, but I am 100% in favour of it existing.


But, whats in the tanks!?





WHAT THE **** Juggernaut heads just hanging about. You think they chit chat?

Ahahaha! That is just hilarious.

The whole model only makes me laugh. It's lame beyond words.

Fuggit Khan:

Hmmm…considering how much GW claims other people steal their idea’s…this looks vaguely like the 1970’s era Gundam tanks:



Hmmm...considering how much GW claims other people steal their idea's...this looks vaguely like the 1970's era Gundam tanks:
The entire Tau codex looks like Gundam/Macross/AppleSeed. Funny how it's 'being influenced' for GW but stealing when someone else does it.

I do still feel like this model could have been really cool. But yeah, £95 is nuts.