[Archive] Knights of the Lady


Hi folks,

I searched but didnt find a thread in which I showed my Knights of Equitaine (Bretonnia) so I decided to spam the forum with another topic :-).<br><br>Some time ago I thought about selling the Knights because painting them is a little time consuming. There was also a tendency that pure infantry lists in T9A seemed to be very powerful, which I didnt like at all.

In the meantime I dedicated some effort in the models and collected everything I wanted for the moment. I could also play 2 or 3 games with them and it is really fun and a nice variation in playstyle to my infernal dwarfs which are still my main army. I wanted to have slightly different colors at every Knight. The Aspirants have no iconic heraldry and no helmet tops. The painting is a compromise between the look of the models and the available time.

The Lucretia Belladonna is painted by a friend of mine.

Now I have about 20 mounted models painted, but still a lot to do. I`ll concentrate on the Knights first, but some time there will follow an infantry block with halberds or spears to protect the Grail reliquae.

The models so far:

Knights aspirant unit:

Some Yeomen:

last addition musician and standard, bases not tidied up yet:


Well, what to say, Bretonnian armies are always a beaut, especially well painted ones like yours :smiley:


Really exellenf paint job all around!

Love the yeomen color scheme especially for some reason, something about the cream and blue is really spot on


Lovely miniatures. These are just as the best Bretonia need to be. Vibrant colours, lots of different patterns. Very nice work Hood.

I most also compliment you on your bases. A great mix of sand, rocks, tufts and grass. Adds a lot of life to the models


I really like them, they look great!


Oh you silly equitaine knights.  your mother was a hamster and your father smells of elderberries.
What is that on your banner? A Moose? A sun burned rabbit maybe?

Very nice,you’ve done them well.



It`s a pink rabbit.

They all follow the pink rabbit :cheers.

Thx :hat off


Some bases, especially of the common Knights, were already structured basecoated as I bought the core of the army. I decided not to rebase them and chose the colors and grass/tufts very traditionally after comparing 3 or 4 variants.

I found especially this kind of rocks very helpful without overdoing the bases


@Abecedar: When this thread starts talking about African swallows I’m leaving! (The boys over at MP are legends!!!)


A few more Fighters for the Lady:

A duke:

A knight of the realm:

Two grail knights (“new” knights on old horses); I plan to do two units of 8 - one modern grail knights on old horses and one classic grail knights.

I had two good but still expensive opportunities at evil bay for my favorite character models at the weekend. I am really looking forward to getting these miniatures and add them to the army.


Had a brain fail and was trying to find the like button


Looking good! Brettonians are lovely and forces a wide variety on the painter in terms of colors. I like that about em


Looking very good.

What’s with the bases? There seems to be a tiny lip around the edge at the bottom.

I’ve been reading the Game of Thrones books recently, so it has inspired me to paint up a random unit of knights with all their backstory and crests. Probably won’t get around to it for a while.


Looking very good.
What's with the bases? There seems to be a tiny lip around the edge at the bottom.
I've been reading the Game of Thrones books recently, so it has inspired me to paint up a random unit of knights with all their backstory and crests. Probably won't get around to it for a while.

Thank you.
The lip around the base ist a rectangular magnet for fixing the models to magnetic regiment bases. Unfortunately the precut magnets are slightly bigger than the bases (but once on a regiment base this won`t show.)