[Archive] Kthaark Daemonbane ideas

Old One Eye:


i was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how i could begin/convert a miniature into the dwarf daemonsmith, Kthaark Daemonbane

ideas and examples would be great.



Tarrakk Blackhand:

A picture of him would be nice.

Old One Eye:

here is the general theme though i cannot find an actual pic of the character

praise to GeOrc on hand of hashut for the artwork


Old One Eye:

sorry double post

this theme will be the basis but with a tall hat



Well… These are the Hellcannon´s crew… If you want you could just add a tall hat to one of them and add some bits-&-pieces in the form of cogs, rollers, a bacpack stuffed with tools-&-weapons, an axe or a giant screwdriver-spanner…

…For inspiration why don´t you give a check at Snotling´s Arcane Engineer or at Bas´s (The CD ogre guy)???


The hell cannon crew looks like the most appropriate solution to your problem it wouldnt involve that much conversion work id say.

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Only a few good Dollars! LOL!

You could also use Greenstuff on a regular BFSP cannon crew and Thumb tacks for hats.

Old One Eye:

Screwdriver spanner! awesome,

BfSP Crewman are probably my best bet

what do you guys think about hoofed hands

great ideas guys