[Archive] Legion of Jumsaq Qaraghai [20-06-2019] - Resurrection

Goltor Lintrepide:

Thank you for the tip Kera!

I’ll try it next time.


Mate, it’s hard to say this being such a bad convertor, and being your own work really (reeeeeeeally) great. But that paper armor kind of spoils the great job you had done so far. I would even consider not puting armor at all on the bull centaurs, since they are already awesome.

Goltor Lintrepide:

Well, at first I considered letting them naked, but then I remembered they are supposed to have heavy armour. And I’m all about the fluff. So I think I’ll start painting them and see how it looks and how I can fix it up then.

Goltor Lintrepide:

So, I just got two more bulls to make my third bull centaur and my Taur’ruk.

I tried to do better on the beards since my last ones were looking like dead octopus and I’m really happy of the result.:smiley:

The Taur’ruk is made out of a minotaure upper body and it looks so great compared to the ogre ones. For the beard, I glue some skulls on his chest and made real plaits out of putty strings before sticking them to the face.:stuck_out_tongue:

So here are pics of the Taur’ruk.

And here are pics of the third Bull centaur. The axe is made out of an ogre club, plastic card and grey stuff. The beard is another try of mine, but it looks like hair.:frowning:

Goltor Lintrepide:

Also, pics of the armored ones should follow soon. I decided to cover my paper armor with grey stuff instead of starting all over again and I really like the result. Thanks for the tip! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Looks really cool, great conversions :hat off

Kera foehunter:

The beard looks good,I like the axe idea looks like he used his brute power to push the ax blade threw the handle . Maybe put some gashes in the shield if you want ?

Goltor Lintrepide:

Some of you might noticed that my army blog is now called Legion of Jumsaq Qaraghai.
It’s because I just started thinking about the background of my army.
Jumsaq Qaraghai is simply the name I choose as the area my army is from (good luck on finding what the name actually means;P) in the same way the Legion of Azgorh is from the desolation of Azgorh.
So, the main fortress is situated in the northeast of the dark lands. It is the closest chaos dwarf stronghold from the eastern steppes which are accessible via an old dwarf bastion going through the Mountains of Mourn.
Most hobgoblin slaves in the dark lands are catched by the chaos dwarves of Jumsaq Qaraghai. They are then transported to the market of Zharr Naggrund where they are sold.
Many more details should come as I’m still developing the background and trying to find a way to have a unique army.:hat off

Kera foehunter:

Jumsaq Qaragha Means the unlucky ones. :slight_smile:

Goltor Lintrepide:

I finally found it! The perfect bull to make a bale taurus, here it is : http://www.ebay.com/itm/CollectA-88508-Red-Angus-Bull-Toy-Collectible-Bull-Cow-/130817038247?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e754d97a7

It’s just the right size and it is looking sooooooooo real!

I recieved mine yesterday and I already put the wings on, here are some pics:

The wings are from a vampire counts Terrorgheist, so I had to put some meat around it but the size fits perfectly.

As you can see, I only completed the left one for now so you can see how I stick the right one to the body. I pierced two holes into the wing’s shoulder and another two in the bull. Then I attached those with two rods(? i’m not really sure how to call it in english). Then I glued the elbow to the hip to reinforce it all. Cover it all up with putty and Voilà!

Grimbold Blackhammer:

It might work but it looks a bit too docile. It’s not angry or fearsome. I think it’ll need some heavy converting.

Goltor Lintrepide:

It might work but it looks a bit too docile.  It's not angry or fearsome.  I think it'll need some heavy converting.

Grimbold Blackhammer
Don't worry, i'm just starting. It's gonna become a real beast.:P


You’re right, that bull is excellent for Taurus conversions. I think it would work as it is now with a lick of paint, but with conversions to enbeasten it with horns and other stuff I’m sure it’ll be glorious.


Does the ‘resin kit’ provide you with a mould to work with, or is it simply the pre-cast bull model?

Goltor Lintrepide:

Does the 'resin kit' provide you with a mould to work with, or is it simply the pre-cast bull model?

hmmm... I'm not sure to understand the question, could you put it other word (i'm not that good in english;P)


Ok sorry.

It says in the description on ebay that it is a ‘resin kit’ - did they send you a mold that you had to pour resin in to? Or did they just send you a model that was already made?


Goltor Lintrepide:

Ok sorry.

It says in the description on ebay that it is a 'resin kit' - did they send you a mold that you had to pour resin in to? Or did they just send you a model that was already made?


Ok, I get it now. Thank you.

It is a model already made. It's simply a toy, already painted and all you know. For now all I've done is put the wings on, the bull is exactly like on the pic on ebay.


So the bull you used for the centaurs comes as a model? If so, thank you :slight_smile: was hoping for a mold but will still use one of these to make a tau’ruk :slight_smile:

Goltor Lintrepide:

So the bull you used for the centaurs comes as a model? If so, thank you :) was hoping for a mold but will still use one of these to make a tau'ruk :)

Oh sorry, I thought you were talking about the bale taurus. The bulls for the bull centaurs are coming simply in three pieces, the left half of the body, the right one and the head. Real simple to assemble ala game workshop model. No molding or anything like that.



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